Thursday, September 20, 2007

When it rains....

... It pours!

So, on top of everything going on (the boys being sick last week, Daylon's football practice starting this last Tuesday, Jace and Kelton having Karate on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and everything else in between), Matt is SICK.

He was sick, just like the rest of us, last week. Just not feeling well, sore throat, etc. Monday morning he started an all male "boot camp" with an old friend of his who is now a personal trainer. He ran about 5 miles total that morning on top of a few other things. He started feeling worse as the day went on, and by Monday night it hurt for him to take a breath. So, by Wednesday he decides he better go to the Urgent Care place (he's been before and loves it- no appointment needed, they have x-ray stuff, etc, and takes our insurance! LOL) So, he went, and had chest x-rays done. He's got severe pneumonia in both lungs. In fact, when he went, his oxygen saturation level was only at 83%. The ONLY reason he's not in the hospital right now was because he promised the doctor that he would stay in bed, rest, and take all of his medicines for a week. (Yeah, right!)

Anyway, he is in bed today. He's just exhausted. I don't think he's gotten up at all today to do more than go to the bathroom. The boys and I had school though, so at least he's had a nice, quiet house to lay around in. I'm just hoping he feels better soon- I HATE when he's sick, ya know?!?!

But! Some good news?!?! Blayden finally started to crawl! He actually started yesterday morning. Matt was in the shower, and I was in there with Blayden talking to him. Matt opened the door to the shower and called to Blayden, and Blayden crawled to him! It's so cool that both Matt and I got to see him do it! He still does a lot of the "inch-worm" stuff too, but he's definately getting around more. He started out in the middle of our living room this morning and ended up in the hallway in front of the boys rooms. He thought he was COOL too! They said he crawled a lot at school today (and in fact almost crawled out of his pants a few times! LOL)

I'm excited, but also a little sad to have a baby that is getting around a lot more now. No more putting a baby down and having them STAY there!! No more small babies for me at all... :-( Anyway, I guess it's just normal to feel that way, but still, it sucks.

Alright. I have math homework that I need to do and then I have to go get Daylon from school in about 30 minutes. As soon as I get new batteries for my camera I'll take more pictures and video's of Blayden crawling (and Jace and Kelton at Karate!!) and post them on here! :-)


The Gomez Family said...

You are WonderWoman!! :) Blayden is just the cutest he reminds me of my little one at that age.

Christine said...

Oh girl, I feel your pain. Kevin and both kids were sick (the nasty, puking all day kind of sick) for a couple days recently and it was AWFUL! I hope Matt gets better soon, that sounds really serious and scary. Oh and yay for Blayden on the crawling..way to go little man!!