Friday, February 27, 2009

Why is it...

... that when one of your children gets sick, you generally get it too???

Yep, I've got the virus or whatever it was that Blayden had. And if he felt HALF as bad as I do, I feel really bad for the little guy! I started running a fever yesterday, throwing up and all that fun stuff. I went to bed at 6 (thanks, Matt!!!) and didn't get up until 7 this morning. I'm still feeling bad, but nothing like I did yesterday.

The good news is that Blayden seems to be feeling a LOT better, and once he gets completely over his diarrea, we'll be good to go with him. :-)


Christine said...

Aw, no fun. :( Sorry you are sick, try taking tons of Vitamin C, it really works. The kids got a bad cold a while back and I took a bunch of Vitamin C (like 6000mg a day - I'd wash down a 1000mg tablet of Vit.C with one of those EmergenC drinks several times a day) and didn't get it. I did the same thing when everyone had a stomach bug and again, I was the only one not to get it. It's amazing how well it works!

Hope you are feeling better soon. :)