Friday, August 15, 2008

Kelton and Blayden's Alien room

Now, this is one of my favorites!! I think it's just too cute!! I have the bedding for Blayden when he gets to a "big boy bed" but for right now, he's still using the frog stuff. Oh well, it's still cute! :-)

On the wall as soon as you walk in:

Blayden's bed and dresser and UFO:

TV stand, books, etc. and rocket ship above Kelton's bed:

Kelton's bed: (I love his bedding too- I LOVE Pottery Barn Kids! LOL)

Above Kelton's bed: (Also Pottery Barn Kids) ;-)

My alien above their toy box: (I need to fix his eyes! LOL)

A planet and stars: (there are a few "planets" and stars around the room too!)


mp said...

so cute! do you do all that yourself? i have no creativity what so ever. none. way to go girl!