Thursday, August 14, 2008

My 3rd baby boy is FIVE today!!!

Kelton is 5 today!!! I can't believe it either!!! He was born on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 4:42 in the afternoon. He was 6 pounds even (and that's big for 6 weeks early!) and 19" long.

They had to induce me that morning (after 2 weeks on bed rest) because I had low amniotic fluid and he wasn't doing well (low heart rate, and wasn't moving much.) He was put on the ventilator (tubes down his throat, LOTS of wires and IV's hooked up to him) and was on it for 4 days. I got to hold him for the first time on August 18, and he got to finally come home on August 23 (9 days old). I had never been so scared in my life- he was VERY sick from the beginning, and had to have 3 shots of Serfactant (sp??) which is just about the max a baby can have (to develop his lungs). He had to have his lungs "beat" and cleared out of fluids several times a day for the first 5 or 6 days (which he hated), and had a heart murmur that we worried about for awhile. Like I said, it was VERY scary!!

But he's healthy now, and has grown SOO much!! He's always been very tall (always at 90-95% for height) but he's my skinny boy (weighs 41 pounds right now!!!) He's our sweet boy who LOVES to cuddle with anyone, and gives tons of hugs and kisses (he's also the whiny child that you just want to SHUT UP sometimes!!!)

Here's some pictures of him growing up:

One of the first days at home:

About 3 months old:

1st birthday!

Halloween- 15 months old

At Lake Buchannan- around 18 months old:

Kelton at park- 2 years old:

Christmas 2005:

Finally a BIG brother!

Christmas 2007 (silly face!)

School program in May:

For Father's Day:

This morning (taken from my camera)- him seeing his new "big boy bike!"


mp said...

Happy bday!! Hope yall had a fun day!

The Gomez Family said...

Happy b-day!! Wow they grow so fast :)