Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm exhausted

I think all of the school and everything with the boys is starting to catch up with me. I'm SOO tired. On top of the every day stuff we have going on, I'm also having my lovely time of the month, which just makes everything so much worse.

I have my first test tomorrow and I haven't studied at ALL for it (I've read the chapters we were supposed to read, and I've been to all the classes so I've gotten all of the lectures, so at least I have that.) But I need to study and I just can't make myself for anything. I have a headache, I'm tired, and I don't want to study (would you?? The class my test is in is "Educational Phsychology")!!!! Ugg! No, it's really not that bad of a class, and the prof is awesome, I'm just so tired.

Oh, and I started back up on my Boot Camp this morning. Matt texted me yesterday to ask if I wanted to go to the Virgin Islands in November (all expenses paid) and of course I said yes! I'll miss a whole week of school, so I need to start planning that out with the profs soon, but still! It'll be AWESOME!!!! But now I REALLY need to get to loosing the weight I've been hanging on to.

Okay. Now I really do need to finish helping Daylon with his homework and getting to studying MINE. Wish me luck on my test tomorrow- I'm going to need it!!!!


Christine said...

Good luck on your test! I hope you get some rest tonight. I hear you on the exhaustion. We've had a house full of sick kids so that is taking it's toll. I'm already missing the laid back, no rush mornings of homeschooling. :( Katie is loving her school though, so I guess it's worth it.

Virgin Islands sounds awesome! All expenses paid by WHO?!

mp said...

awesome trip! can't wait to see pics and hear all about it.

hope you get some rest and do well on your test!

Unknown said...

Hey girl - you ok? Haven't seen an update from you in nearly a month! Check back in with us :)