Friday, October 10, 2008


Sorry it's been so long, ya'll!! It's just been crazy busy around here!

The boys have had sports EVERY night, I've had tons of school work (major group project due today that I finally got everything for last night and stayed up putting it together and printing it out until 12:30), and just about a million other little things going on.

And then one big thing.... Matt has been out of town all this week- from Monday until yesterday afternoon. His dad died on Sunday evening, so he and Sarah (his little sister) went to Arkansas to take care of the things there and to visit with that side of the family. I've been meaning to post about that, I just haven't had the time. The whole thing was very unexpected, so it's been a big shock to everyone. The boys and I were very glad to get Matt back home with us though- it's so different with him gone!

I think that's about it for the updates though- nothing else is really going on except the day-to-day gride of living. Things are getting slower with the business (it always does this time of year, but with the financial problems going on no one wants to buy a pool right now, so it's even worse!) The boys are all doing good (I think Blayden had a virus on Monday night and Tuesday, but he's doing better now), and we're just staying busy. I promise I'll be updating more and I'll post pictures from Kelton's football games soon!!


mp said...

oh no, sorry about Matt's dad.

i hope things start slowing down a bit for yall with the holidays coming up. good to hear from you!

Christine said...

Oh wow, I'm so sorry to hear about Mark. :( What happened? I hope that everyone is doing as well as possible dealing with his death. Please give everyone my sincerest condolences.