Sunday, October 12, 2008

10 Things I've Learned From Being a Mom...

1. There are certain things that don't change once your child eats them. Corn, crayons, and hot dog weenies are just some of those things.

2. The best way to get rid of a fever is a dose of Motrin, followed a few hours later by a dose of Tylenol, then a few hours later followed by another dose of Motrin.

3. Motrin generally works better than Tylenol.

4. I WILL be like my mother and answer my child with "because I said so!" the 5th time they have asked me "why??"

5. My fourth child will probably not have to do things that my older children had to do, and will be allowed to do other things that my older children could not do at the same age. It sucks, but it's life.

6. A child CAN learn to talk with a pacifier in their mouths for the majority of the day.

7. Said child will not go to Kindergarten with that pacifier in their mouth either.

8. A child will start going to the bathroom in the toilet when they are ready- NOT when you are ready for them to do it!

9. A child will bypass 3 bathrooms when they are sick to come and tell you they are sick, and then to throw up by the side of your bed.

10. "Goodnight Moon" is just as awesome to read the 100th time as it was the 1st time. (And "Goodnight Goon" is a cute knock-off for Halloween!)

And, although I already have my 10 things, I'll add one more--- Kisses from boys are not "yuck"- they are the most wonderful things in the world. Especially the open-mouthed kind from a baby just learning to give kisses!! :-)