Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Do you just have those days sometimes when you are SOOO tired, and gripey, and just blah feeling?!?! That's me today, and I don't know why. It just feels like nothing is going good right now, just the same ol', same ol' as every day.

I need a break from the kids. Having all four of them home all of the time now is just getting to me. They're fighting like crazy (they've been stuck inside too because of the rain the last week or so), and they are just constantly wanting SOMETHING and I just don't have anything left to give right now.

And now I have to go and fix something for dinner and I don't even feel like doing that. Blah.

Maybe this blog thing will work for me, after all, even if it's just a place for me to gripe to.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Most recent picture of all 4 boys!

Here's the most recent picture I have of the four boys. This was taken a few weekends ago at the aqarium in Corpus Christi. We went down for the weekend to Port Aransas and had a BLAST!! Definately something we'll be doing more of- the boys loved the beach!! (And I'll definately be taking our babysitter back with us- it was awesome to have someone else to watch Blayden while Matt and I spent time with the other boys!!)

Edited to say: Yes, that is gum in Jace's mouth!! (He just learned to blow bubbles!)

Hhmm... A blogger??! Me???

So, am I crazy for getting into this?? We'll see how it actually goes and if I REALLY keep this up, and then decide!

But for now... I'm a blogger. (Christine, you inspired me!!!) What a great way to keep friends and family informed (if they even want to be, that is!) of our day-to-day lives. And having four kids really does keep me busy and things crazy, so SURELY I'll have enough to talk about, right?? :-)

So today... I finally got my carpets cleaned! We've lived here for over a year now and the carpets were very "kid friendly" in that they were already filthy, so it didn't matter what (or who) went on them. $200 later, they are very nice!

We (I say "we" in that it was me and the boys!) took Daisy to the vet for her annual shots and check up. The vet was VERY impressed with her health and said she had the best teeth for a 7 1/2 year old dog he had ever seen. Must be doing something right, even though I don't know of anything that I AM doing for her!! She's a great dog though, and I'm glad she's healthy and will hopefully live a LOT longer!!!

We also went to the music store so I could get me and the boys some music for the piano. I've tried calling a piano teacher, but she hasn't returned my phone call yet, but Daylon wants to learn how to play. I know how, but I honestly don't know if I have the patience to teach my own kids how to play or not (I did somewhat teach my younger cousin when I was about 14 or so- so I know I could teach them!!) We'll try it out though, and see how it goes. Jace also wants to learn how to play the drums (he got some from Santa this last Christmas) so we need to get him a teacher too.... maybe after his soccer camp is over this week!!

Okay, well, as the boys are driving me NUTS from being stuck inside (it's been raining almost non-stop for the last few days) I guess I'd better get going and do something with them. I'm ready for Matt to be home so he can take them over for awhile... maybe I'll head to the gym, work up a sweat, and get a break from the kids all at the same time. I love them more than anything else in this world, but I'm going crazy here with them all of the time!!! Time to sign them up for more camps for this summer...... :-)