Friday, May 29, 2009

Video from Jace's graduation from Kindergarten!!

Well, Jace graduated from Kindergarten this morning. I have to say, he's just so darn cute!! I have pictures as well, but I let Matt take my camera with him to Freeport. Him and Daylon went down there for today and tomorrow so Daylon could go fishing for sharks for his birthday (which is on Sunday). Anyway, here is the link for the videos. The first one is of Jace's Kindergarten class singing a song (Jace is in the top row wearing a maroon and white striped shirt), the second one is of Jace getting his diploma, and the third one is of Blayden being a little stinker while we were there. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm still here!! :-)

Sorry I haven't posted in forever! Seems like with 2 kids out of school (Kelton and BB) that I don't have any time to myself anymore. Matt is out of town in Austin for tonight though, so I'm going to put the boys to bed, take a little swim to cool off (I worked in the backyard and mowed both the front and the back) and then chill out to a good movie (I rented Seven Pounds!) Hopefully I can come back on here tonight and post again.

Friday, May 15, 2009

School update on me....

Well, I just wanted to brag a little bit about myself!! ;-) I got a 4.0 this semester (I had 4 classes- so 12 hours.) I'm a little bit proud of myself for doing this while having four boys, helping run a business (I pay all the bills, do the book-keeping, fax stuff to contractors when needed, and a few other things), and still be able to take a shower every day!! ;-)

Way to go ME!!! :-)

Kelton graduated from preschool!!

Even though he's old enough to have graduated from KINDERGARTEN, we've held all of the boys back one year (probably won't for Blayden though! LOL) and he graduated from his preschool last night. Here are a few pictures of the program:

Getting his diploma from Ms. Penny:

Hugging his teacher, Mrs. Laura:

Kelton and Blayden (he was in part of the program too):

Congratulations Kelton!! Now you're a Kindergartener!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

Off to go fishing!!

Matt and I are leaving today to go to Freeport to go fishing in the Gulf. We were planning on going off shore (like 60 miles out) but the wind is too high so the waves are huge and we're not going to be able to go out that far. Oh well! At least we'll still get to go out some and I'm sure it'll be awesome! This is Matt's birthday present from me, (his 30th birthday is on Sunday) so I just want him to enjoy it. He LOVES to fish so I think this will be good. :-)

Monday, May 4, 2009


Daylon's teacher just called to let us know that they have closed their school (Pebble Creek Elementary) for the rest of the week because of a probable case of the H1N1 flu. Apparently they sent off for a test of some kid on April 25 and they got the results today that it is "probably" the H1N1 virus. So.... no school for the boys. And now I'm just freaking out a little bit more about this stupid thing.