Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yeah, right!

So I thought I might have MORE time to blog after school started. Yeah, right!! Even right now I don't have the time for this short blog- I just wanted to say that I'm here, I've been sick (bronchitis), and everyhthing is still going well (except for the being sick part. And having a sick baby part. That part sucked.)

Other than that though, we're good!

And I'm off to do more homework!! :-)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School, school, and more school

I'm here, I'm just taking 18 hours this semester and am trying to get on top of everything BEFORE it gets to me that I'm nuts for taking this many hours.

So I'm just checking in, and now I'm going to get off the Internet and work on a paper that is due on the 9th. See? I'm a good student!! (Honestly, I'll probably get off the Internet, lay in bed, watch TV with Matt for a little while, and then go to sleep.) ;-)

Pray for my sanity, my grades, and my neglected children who will be eating a lot of take out this semester... LOL ;-)