Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Songs

Stole this from a friend (thanks Marie- and Christine too!! LOL) Thought it sounded fun. :-)

A pal of mine blogged about an email she received asking her for a favor. Apparently her friend's social anthropology class project for the semester is finding out what makes people tick. The idea is to tap into people's play list and see...well, what makes them tick. What's their jam? What makes them get going in the morning or for a run?

So, I've posted 10 of my songs, chosen at random thanks to iTunes shuffle and explained my reasons. I thought it was sort of fun and hopefully not too embarrassing. You should do the same!

1. "Take You There" by Sean Kingston
I love the idea of someone (preferably my husband) coming to take me to the tropics, letting me sit on the beach, and sipping a colada with me!!! Fun beat too!! ;-)

2. "What I Got" by Sublime
Reminds me of the 90's. Need I say more?!? It's a great chill-out song.

3. "Numb/Encore" by Jay-Z and Linkin Park
Linkin Park is about as Rock as I get. I can work out forever when I listen to this one. And I love to jam out in my car with it when the boys aren't in there with me. ;-)

4. "Coconut" by Harry Nilsson
Oh god, I don't know WHY I like this song- I just absolutely love it!! And I always think of that movie with Sandra Bullock in it (the one where she's a witch-type person...) Good movie and good song!

5. "I Want to Know What Love is" by Foreigner
I listen to this one when I want to relax and try to go to sleep. LOL And besides, I like Foreigner (sometimes).

6. "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol
Have you ever listened to the words of this song?? "If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world? I don't quite know how to say how I feel. Those three words are said too much, they're not enough...." Love it.

7. "Jessica's Theme (Breaking the Colt) by Bruce Rowland
"The Man From Snowy River" is one of my all time favorite movies and I LOVE this song. I can play it on the piano (not as good as this song is done) and it's just so beautiful.

8. "Far Away" by Nickelback
Loved this song from the first time I heard it. Now when I listen to it, I'm reminded of Kyle, and it always makes me go and hug my boys extra hard.

9. "It's Alright (a Capella)" by Sara Hickman (CD is called "Newborn")
Her voice is just AMAZING!! This song relaxes me and I love to play it for the boys before bed (drives Daylon nuts though! LOL)

10. "Upside Down" by Jack Johnson
Well, as Marie said, who doesn't love Jack Johnson?!?! LOL I loved the movie Curious George and can't help thinking about it when I hear this song. Great words too!! Everything is possible!!!

Ya know, I kinda have a cool music list here! LOL ;-)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10 Things I've Learned From Being a Mom...

1. There are certain things that don't change once your child eats them. Corn, crayons, and hot dog weenies are just some of those things.

2. The best way to get rid of a fever is a dose of Motrin, followed a few hours later by a dose of Tylenol, then a few hours later followed by another dose of Motrin.

3. Motrin generally works better than Tylenol.

4. I WILL be like my mother and answer my child with "because I said so!" the 5th time they have asked me "why??"

5. My fourth child will probably not have to do things that my older children had to do, and will be allowed to do other things that my older children could not do at the same age. It sucks, but it's life.

6. A child CAN learn to talk with a pacifier in their mouths for the majority of the day.

7. Said child will not go to Kindergarten with that pacifier in their mouth either.

8. A child will start going to the bathroom in the toilet when they are ready- NOT when you are ready for them to do it!

9. A child will bypass 3 bathrooms when they are sick to come and tell you they are sick, and then to throw up by the side of your bed.

10. "Goodnight Moon" is just as awesome to read the 100th time as it was the 1st time. (And "Goodnight Goon" is a cute knock-off for Halloween!)

And, although I already have my 10 things, I'll add one more--- Kisses from boys are not "yuck"- they are the most wonderful things in the world. Especially the open-mouthed kind from a baby just learning to give kisses!! :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Sorry it's been so long, ya'll!! It's just been crazy busy around here!

The boys have had sports EVERY night, I've had tons of school work (major group project due today that I finally got everything for last night and stayed up putting it together and printing it out until 12:30), and just about a million other little things going on.

And then one big thing.... Matt has been out of town all this week- from Monday until yesterday afternoon. His dad died on Sunday evening, so he and Sarah (his little sister) went to Arkansas to take care of the things there and to visit with that side of the family. I've been meaning to post about that, I just haven't had the time. The whole thing was very unexpected, so it's been a big shock to everyone. The boys and I were very glad to get Matt back home with us though- it's so different with him gone!

I think that's about it for the updates though- nothing else is really going on except the day-to-day gride of living. Things are getting slower with the business (it always does this time of year, but with the financial problems going on no one wants to buy a pool right now, so it's even worse!) The boys are all doing good (I think Blayden had a virus on Monday night and Tuesday, but he's doing better now), and we're just staying busy. I promise I'll be updating more and I'll post pictures from Kelton's football games soon!!