Sunday, September 23, 2007

My turn!!

Well, I started feeling yucky yesterday, and it was even worse today. So I went to the Dr (the same Urgent Care place that Matt went to) this afternoon. I have an ear infection in my left ear, a sinus infection (I knew that one- my face hurts SO bad!), and a little bit of pneumonia. So I got a shot of steriods in one hip, and then a shot of strong antibiodics in the other hip. OUCH! I was so sore for a few hours after that!

I also got a prescription for antibiodics and some Nasonex nose spray, and then some cough/decongestent meds. I swear, between me, Matt, and Blayden (who is still taking antibiodics for his ear infection) it looks like we could run a pharmacy at our house!!

Even though Matt and I weren't feeling our best, we took the boys to the park to play and have a pizza picnic with some friends and their boys. The boys had a blast and really deserved to go- they've been good, and for the most part, quiet when Matt needed to sleep this past week. At the park, as we were watching Daylon and his friend Nicky ride their "big boy bikes," we realized that Jace's bike is REALLY too small for him and he needs to learn to ride without training wheels. So Matt took Jace with him to Academy (we had both of our cars b/c we had to put the boys bikes in the back of Matt's truck) and bought him a new bike, helmet, and pads. I can't wait for Jace to try it out this week! I'll be sure to take pictures of him riding it too.

Well, I need to get off of here. I'm tired and everyone else is already asleep. I've also got a LOT to do tomorrow- homework, pay some bills (both household bills and some of Matt's), do laundry, and then I have to go up to Blinn to take a test for my online class. And I'm supposed to get REST?!?! Yeah right! So I'd better get as much as I can tonight, while I can!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Copy cat me

Yes, I LOVED your idea of the pictures of everyone on your blog, Christine, so I copied you. ;-) I hope it's okay- thought it was a cool opportunity for me to show off all of my boys at once.

Update on Matt

I thought I would just write a quick update to let everyone know how Matt is doing with his pneumonia. He has gone to work the last two mornings. Yesterday he was home by noon and then in bed asleep from 3-7:30. He woke up for a few hours, watched "We Are Marshall" with me (that's a really great movie if you haven't seen it yet!), then went to sleep again at 11:30 (we were impressed that he stayed up that late! LOL)

He went back to work this morning as he is digging a pool and he HAS to be there for that, but he was back here by 1 today, and has been sleeping since about 2 (so for a little over an hour.) I'll probably wake him back up around 6 to eat his supper and take his medicines.

It's just CRAZY how much he's been sleeping!! All day Thursday, most of the day yesterday, and then will sleep the afternoon away today. Who knew that pheumonia could take this much out on a person? It's just crazy to me, and hard to see it- Matt's ALWAYS got a lot of energy, and always going and doing things. It's hard to see him not be able to do those things (and hard for him to not do them too.) It's also getting harder to keep the boys quiet while he's sleeping!! They just do NOT understand that Daddy does not feel good and needs to sleep. Right now they are all in Daylon's room playing and watching a movie (well, Blayden is in his room taking a nap.) ;-)

Anyway, that's about it for us. I'm ready for things to be back to normal and get some help around here!! Keeping up with all of these boys, and doing everything for them (karate and football practice on the same night Thursday night SUCKED for me! LOL) is getting tough and exhausting. I'm going to need a day of sleep just to get caught back up and back to normal myself!!

Friday, September 21, 2007


Okay, I FINALLY got a video of Blayden actually crawling. Enjoy!! :-)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blayden- few pictures and video

Okay, well I went ahead and put some new, regular batteries in my camera. They won't last long, but I wanted to get some new pictures and videos on here. :-) Anyway, here are a few pictures and a video of Blayden growling (he was a mess from eating!) (The other video of him trying to crawl wouldn't download. Too big??) But, enjoy!!

Happy Boy ;-)

Me and Blayden (not sure why the light is like that on it! Sorry!!)

When it rains....

... It pours!

So, on top of everything going on (the boys being sick last week, Daylon's football practice starting this last Tuesday, Jace and Kelton having Karate on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and everything else in between), Matt is SICK.

He was sick, just like the rest of us, last week. Just not feeling well, sore throat, etc. Monday morning he started an all male "boot camp" with an old friend of his who is now a personal trainer. He ran about 5 miles total that morning on top of a few other things. He started feeling worse as the day went on, and by Monday night it hurt for him to take a breath. So, by Wednesday he decides he better go to the Urgent Care place (he's been before and loves it- no appointment needed, they have x-ray stuff, etc, and takes our insurance! LOL) So, he went, and had chest x-rays done. He's got severe pneumonia in both lungs. In fact, when he went, his oxygen saturation level was only at 83%. The ONLY reason he's not in the hospital right now was because he promised the doctor that he would stay in bed, rest, and take all of his medicines for a week. (Yeah, right!)

Anyway, he is in bed today. He's just exhausted. I don't think he's gotten up at all today to do more than go to the bathroom. The boys and I had school though, so at least he's had a nice, quiet house to lay around in. I'm just hoping he feels better soon- I HATE when he's sick, ya know?!?!

But! Some good news?!?! Blayden finally started to crawl! He actually started yesterday morning. Matt was in the shower, and I was in there with Blayden talking to him. Matt opened the door to the shower and called to Blayden, and Blayden crawled to him! It's so cool that both Matt and I got to see him do it! He still does a lot of the "inch-worm" stuff too, but he's definately getting around more. He started out in the middle of our living room this morning and ended up in the hallway in front of the boys rooms. He thought he was COOL too! They said he crawled a lot at school today (and in fact almost crawled out of his pants a few times! LOL)

I'm excited, but also a little sad to have a baby that is getting around a lot more now. No more putting a baby down and having them STAY there!! No more small babies for me at all... :-( Anyway, I guess it's just normal to feel that way, but still, it sucks.

Alright. I have math homework that I need to do and then I have to go get Daylon from school in about 30 minutes. As soon as I get new batteries for my camera I'll take more pictures and video's of Blayden crawling (and Jace and Kelton at Karate!!) and post them on here! :-)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Nice and quiet.... For now at least!

Well, it's 7:15 in the morning and I'm the only one (besides Gunner, our dog) that is awake. Blayden is sleeping in my bed with Matt (after getting up at 6, drinking his bottle, and then "talking" to me for 40 minutes!), Jace and Kelton are still sleeping, and Daylon is in bed, sick. He woke up with a sore throat and a slight fever. It's going around, so I figured he would get it soon!

Not much is going on here, really, although it seems like we're constantly busy. The boys are still doing well in school and Blayden has even gotten used to his school and does really well for them with naps, etc. He's SUCH a sweet baby!! His new favorite word is "DeeDa!" when he sees or wants Matt. He has said "mama" a few times, but it's been awhile! He's still trying to crawl too- I'll have to take and post a picture on here of him trying to do it; he gets up on his toes and hands, and then lunges forward. More like an inch-worm than anything else. He can ALMOST sit up from laying down though, so that's been fun to watch (although he still doesn't sit up well- ends up toppling over after a minute or so.) But, he's getting better, so that's all that's important. ;-)

I'll also have to post pictures of our puppy. He's getting HUGE! He's not even four months yet, and already has to weigh close to 35 pounds. Maybe I can talk Matt into weighing him for me... He's the best puppy though, and LOVES the kids. He'll go and lay next to Blayden so he can pat him- it's too cute. If I can just keep Blayden from eating his tail, we'd be good.

Well, that's really it for us right now. Hopefully today won't be too crazy with all four kids at home. I think I'm going to get off the computer now and read and relax while it's nice and quiet still- I have a feeling I'm going to need it for later!!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sorry it's been awhile...

Well, it's been crazy around my house this week!!

The boys (Jace, Kelton, and Blayden) started their school on Tuesday and so far LOVE it. It's been nice to have them back in something where they can play with other kids. Blayden has done really well with it too, except for not taking his bottle much and not taking a good nap while he's there. Oh well... he's still happy and good for them, so I'm okay with it! ;-)

Then Kelton, right as we got to the school parking lot to pick up Daylon on Wednesday, threw up all in my car. I guess he just has a virus or something. NOT FUN! Blayden hasn't been feeling well either, but not throwing up or a fever like Kelton- just stuffy nose today and the croupy cough. Poor baby!! But, Matt had to take off work yesterday morning to stay at home and watch Kelton because I HAD to go to school (I had a math test that I could not make up if I missed!)

Which brings me to my school. The math class is killing me and I'm just hoping I'll be able to keep it up for the next few weeks (like six more weeks- it's a "minimester" so it's half the time of a normal semester). I'm just hoping for at LEAST a 'C' in the class though! My other classes are good, just time consuming. I feel like once I get back on a schedule though, I'll be doing better- it's just taking me a while to get back on track.

Anyway! That's our little update. So, excpet for sick kids and school, we're boring! ;-)