Saturday, September 22, 2007

Update on Matt

I thought I would just write a quick update to let everyone know how Matt is doing with his pneumonia. He has gone to work the last two mornings. Yesterday he was home by noon and then in bed asleep from 3-7:30. He woke up for a few hours, watched "We Are Marshall" with me (that's a really great movie if you haven't seen it yet!), then went to sleep again at 11:30 (we were impressed that he stayed up that late! LOL)

He went back to work this morning as he is digging a pool and he HAS to be there for that, but he was back here by 1 today, and has been sleeping since about 2 (so for a little over an hour.) I'll probably wake him back up around 6 to eat his supper and take his medicines.

It's just CRAZY how much he's been sleeping!! All day Thursday, most of the day yesterday, and then will sleep the afternoon away today. Who knew that pheumonia could take this much out on a person? It's just crazy to me, and hard to see it- Matt's ALWAYS got a lot of energy, and always going and doing things. It's hard to see him not be able to do those things (and hard for him to not do them too.) It's also getting harder to keep the boys quiet while he's sleeping!! They just do NOT understand that Daddy does not feel good and needs to sleep. Right now they are all in Daylon's room playing and watching a movie (well, Blayden is in his room taking a nap.) ;-)

Anyway, that's about it for us. I'm ready for things to be back to normal and get some help around here!! Keeping up with all of these boys, and doing everything for them (karate and football practice on the same night Thursday night SUCKED for me! LOL) is getting tough and exhausting. I'm going to need a day of sleep just to get caught back up and back to normal myself!!


Christine said...

Wow, that sounds really rough. It's good that he's getting a lot of rest so he can get over it quicker. I know it's hard doing everything by yourself, I really hope he gets better soon so things can get back to normal. :)