Sunday, September 23, 2007

My turn!!

Well, I started feeling yucky yesterday, and it was even worse today. So I went to the Dr (the same Urgent Care place that Matt went to) this afternoon. I have an ear infection in my left ear, a sinus infection (I knew that one- my face hurts SO bad!), and a little bit of pneumonia. So I got a shot of steriods in one hip, and then a shot of strong antibiodics in the other hip. OUCH! I was so sore for a few hours after that!

I also got a prescription for antibiodics and some Nasonex nose spray, and then some cough/decongestent meds. I swear, between me, Matt, and Blayden (who is still taking antibiodics for his ear infection) it looks like we could run a pharmacy at our house!!

Even though Matt and I weren't feeling our best, we took the boys to the park to play and have a pizza picnic with some friends and their boys. The boys had a blast and really deserved to go- they've been good, and for the most part, quiet when Matt needed to sleep this past week. At the park, as we were watching Daylon and his friend Nicky ride their "big boy bikes," we realized that Jace's bike is REALLY too small for him and he needs to learn to ride without training wheels. So Matt took Jace with him to Academy (we had both of our cars b/c we had to put the boys bikes in the back of Matt's truck) and bought him a new bike, helmet, and pads. I can't wait for Jace to try it out this week! I'll be sure to take pictures of him riding it too.

Well, I need to get off of here. I'm tired and everyone else is already asleep. I've also got a LOT to do tomorrow- homework, pay some bills (both household bills and some of Matt's), do laundry, and then I have to go up to Blinn to take a test for my online class. And I'm supposed to get REST?!?! Yeah right! So I'd better get as much as I can tonight, while I can!


Christine said...

Aw crap. That's how it goes at my house too, I am always the last one to get sick. It's like our bodies know we have to be strong to take care of our family and then as soon as everyone else starts to get better, it hits us like a bomb! I hope you find some time to rest and get better soon. :)