Monday, August 24, 2009

1st day of school!!

Well, the boys had their first day of school today! Daylon is now officially a 3rd grader, Jace is a 1st grader, and Kelton started Kindergarten. How fun!! Blayden and I spent the day helping a good friend of mine (Claire) move into her appartment for the semester. I'm hoping to get away every once in awhile and be able to chill out at her place, just to study in peace and quiet!!

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the morning! :-)

Jace (7), Daylon (9), Blayden (2), and Kelton (6)

Kelton was complaining about his backpack being too heavy. You know how heavy a towell and a lunch box can be....

All my boys going into the school

Jace getting all ready to go!

Kelton's big excited grin!

Daylon wouldn't let me get a picture of him in his room! LOL

And then there was one... (and I think he looks a lot like Matt in this picture too!!)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kelton is SIX!!!

I can't believe that Kelton is 6! His birthday was actually on the 14th, we were just able to have his party yesterday. We had a swim party at Miramont Country club and it was super nice! (Well, other than the fact the kids only got to swim for about 35 minutes before it started thundering and we had to get out! That SUCKED!!)

I have pictures that I'll share in a minute, but I just have to reflect on the last 6 years of his life. He was born 6 weeks early, and was in the NICU for 9 days. For the first few days, it was 1 step forward and 2 steps back for him and he was dangerously sick. They had to induce labor though because my fluid levels were low and he wasn't thriving (he barely moved the last few weeks of my pregnancy which freaked me out constantly!) He had 3 shots of surfactant (sp?!) which is a shot to help baby's lungs develop, and usually they only have to give 1 or 2. 3 shots is NOT good (and the most they'll give at all is 4). So he was pretty bad off. He had a tube down his throat breathing for him, which was just horrible.

After the first 7 days though he started to pull out of it, and by the time he was 9 days old he was well enough for us to take home. He was really an easy baby for the most part, but a horrible toddler and is still very argumentative!! BUT, he is one of the sweetest boys in the world and is always wanting to give us hugs, etc. He won't let either Matt nor I leave the house without giving us at least 2 hugs. He loves to cuddle and just hang out next to us too.

He's starting Kindergarten tomorrow which I am SOO excited about, and so is he! He's thrilled to finally be a "big boy!" and go to Pebble Creek like his older brothers. We met his teacher the other night and I think she's going to be the perfect match for him- sweet and soft spoken, but also strict enough where he can't get away with doing things he's not supposed to do! ;-) I'll take lots of pictures and post those tomorrow too.

Since school is starting, I should have more time to blog (at least that's the plan!) so hopefully I'll keep better track of all of this now. My school starts next Monday (the 31st) and I'm really ready for that too. Oh! And Matt passed all of his captains license stuff, so as long as his application goes through alright, he will officially be "Captain Matt!" ;-) Anyway, here are a few pictures from Kelton's birthday party!!



They all went to school together last year- Haley, Kelton (in back), Abigail, and Aiden

Cookie cake (Kelton loves monkeys!) Yummy!!

Waiting for some cake...

Daylon and his friend Brenen

Opening presents

The parents getting to talk some too... ;-)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009






Videos of Blayden singing- the first 3 videos that were just uploaded.

Updates- yes, we are here!!

So, it's not like I have been busy. In fact, I have been the opposite of busy the last few weeks. I've been too relaxed and lazy- I haven't done ANYTHING!! (Except read and the few other little things I've had to do!)

The boys are doing good.

Daylon started this season of Pop Warner football. He's on the Pee Wee team this year, which has a max weight limit of 106. You ask why I even mention that?? Because Daylon, my NINE year old, is already 107 on a good day. He's 4'8" (I'm 5'3" so he already comes up to my chin), and is SOLID. He's got a little tummy on him but he's already lost a lot of that after 1 week of football practice and running for 2 hours every night. We've had to cut him back on food (although honestly, he hasn't been eating a lot of bad stuff this summer anyway), trying to get him down to around 100. Because they weigh them every time before every game (with pads on), if he doesn't get down to the right weight then he can't play on this team- he would be moved up to the next level with kids who are 12+. Not gonna happen!

Daylon's been pretty upset the last few days. We found out last week that Daylon's good friend from school and flag football was killed in an accident. He was in Ohio visiting family and was riding a bike. He went in front of a truck. Apparently, he was on life support for a few days before they declared him brain dead and took him off the life support (after deciding to donate his organs- which I am so impressed with, I can't even say). Dalton's funeral was on Sunday up in Ohio, and so I have been in a serious funk since then. I can't imagine loosing a child and I have had two good friends who have lost theirs (and another friend who had a stillborn). All within the last four years. You are just not supposed to bury your child. That's not the way it is supposed to go. And it just sucks. I'm pretty sure that Dalton's family will be coming back to College Station soon, as they have triplet boys who are 6 and are supposed to start Kindergarten this year. I'm sure I'll see Jeri (Dalton's mom) around the school. What do you say?! "I'm sorry" is just stupid, and it seems like it's something that she's going to get tired of hearing. My heart just hurts for her, her husband, and the triplets. Daylon is doing better with it all, but I think that once school starts and he sees that Dalton really isn't there, it's going to be hard.

Jace is doing good, he's just Jace. He's soooo dingy! LOL He's been enjoying not having to do anything except watch TV. He had school the last 2 weeks as a "Jump Start" to the school year and he thought that was cool. He loves school and I think he's really looking forward to starting 1st grade. I'm in the process of trying to figure out what sport to put him in, and he changes his mind about it on a daily basis. Soccer? Flag football? Tennis? Golf? Karate? He's thought about them all and then he changes his mind about it. Good grief! This kid is going to drive me crazy!!

Kelton is good, just looking forward to his birthday on Friday. I can't believe that he'll be 6!! I think I'm going to get him an iPod Touch so he'll stop taking Jace's. :-) He's starting Kindergarten this year and is SOOOO excited about it. I can't wait to have 3 of them at school either!! We're having Kelton's birthday party not this weekend but next weekend and he's really excited about that! :-)

Blayden is good too. He's just a typical 2 year old with 2 year old tantrums. I try to ignore him but he's got 3 older brothers that, when he starts to scream, they run to him and give him what he wants. He is SPOILED ROTTEN! I've moved him into a toddler bed. A friend of mine's husband made a frog bed for their son years ago, so I'm borrowing it for BB. I moved BB out of Kelton's room, and moved Jace back in since they were both going to be going to school. So BB is in his own room right now and is back to the frog stuff. I love it!! (And he thinks it's cool. He tells me that his bed is "awesome!")

Matt has been SUPER busy. He is working on getting his Captain's license (as in a boat Captain) and so has been in Houston the last 2 weekends (Friday-Sunday) taking a course and learning stuff. He's got a LOT of stuff to learn and is actually home today studying and trying to figure out plotting and navigation stuff. Apparently this stuff is not easy! He has one more weekend of it before he's done and I'm more than ready!!

The business has been going well, but I think it's starting to slow down a lot. It's still super hot outside, but I guess people figure that they aren't going to be able to enjoy a pool long enough before the school grind starts, so they aren't going to buy one.

As I said, I've been able to be LAZY! Too lazy, honestly! I've been reading a lot, which I love, but I really need to move around and be more active. I've got to loose this weight!! I've considered buying a treadmill, but I'm afriad I wouldn't use it either. Uggg....

School starts for the boys in less than 2 weeks (on the 24th), and I start that next Monday, the 31st. I'm ready for both their school and my school. I'm ready to get out of the house and use my brain for something other than Facebook or reading pointless books! (Although I just finished "The Time Travelers Wife" and it was pretty good!) :-) Blayden doesn't start Mother's Day Out until September 10 though, so Susie (my nanny), and I, and probably my mom are going to have to figure our schedule out until then. Fun stuff.

I think that's about it for us right now. I'll post a few pictures and a link of Blayden singing a few songs in a new post in a few minutes. Gonna try to help Matt work on his navigation stuff. Yuck!! :-) Hope everyone else is doing well!!!