Well, no more kids for us! Matt got his Vesectomy done yesterday (Friday) at the Dr's office. It took about an hour, which is a little longer than normal. Apparently, the Dr. was having problems getting everything completely numbed up down there- Matt said it HURT!
Anyway, he's doing good today, just sore (obviously) and has been keeping frozen peas on him for the last two days (they work really well because they don't melt and get water everywhere!) He's actually out looking at a few locations for his new business he wants to start up (he wants to open a retail shop for pool chemicals and spas, etc, here in town) with a friend of his that's going to go into the business with him. I think he's stupid for getting out and doing it right now and if he ends up with huge balls because of this, it will NOT be my fault! LOL
But... I'm a little sad to know that I will NEVER (okay, more than likely never unless I ever get remarried- which seems really unlikely!) have another baby. It's just hard to know that, ya know? I mean, I 've known it, but now it's kind of official or something. So it's been a hard two days for me (on top of keeping up with all of the boys and helping Matt out when I can, I'm just super emotional about this and have been kind of taking it out on Matt.) Ugg! I'm very happy with our FOUR boys, but I love being pregnant and having kids around. I'm probably nuts (because there are days when the boys are driving me bonkers and I would willingly sell them to the circus) but I still hate knowing that we are DONE.
Okay... that's it for us right now though. Matt should be home soon, and I need to get going and help Blayden out. He's trying to walk with his little push walker and he's stuck next to a wall. ;-)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
No more kiddos.... ever!
Posted by *Kel* at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
The boys sand box & Gunner
I finally got around to taking pictures of the boys in their sand box Matt and I made for them. They LOVE it (Blayden had just fallen in a hole and gotten sand all over his face so he wasn't too thrilled at the moment!)
See how big it is?!?
Handsome boy!
And our BIG puppy, Gunner!! You can't really tell from this picture at all- but he's getting huge. And he's not even 6 months old yet! (Isn't he beautiful though?!)
Okay, I went really quick to take a few more pictures of Gunner so I could show you guys how big he really is! (Just ignore the mess in Jace and Kelton's room- the boys are playing "fort" in there and it's a disaster!) He is the BEST dog ever with the boys though- Blayden is "his" baby and he's so good and sweet with him (except for an ocasional wack in the head with his tail!) But Blayden (and the boys for that matter) can crawl all over him and he just sits there and looks at them. He's awesome!
Laying down next to Kelton
Next to Kelton
Posted by *Kel* at 8:12 AM 1 comments
Yesterday in Houston
Since Matt was out of town this weekend, my babysitter and I (have I said lately how much I LOVE my babysitter?!?!?) decided to take the boys to Houston. We had plans to stay the night too (which the boys love to stay in hotels so were super excited) but decided not to. I wanted my own bed- I was so tired!
Anyway, we took them to then Houston Zoo, which was okay, but there were SO many people there (the weather was awesome, so I guess that had a lot to do with it!) It actually took us 30 minutes just to find a parking spot to go! Anyway, here are a few pictures of that:
That giraffe was so cool and was pretty close to us!
This giraffe was REALLY young- like born in the last week! SOOO cute!
And this is the mama giraffe- she saw the boys and kept looking at them- really neat!!
I love giraffes- I think they are one of my favorite animals at the zoo!
And then we went to the Downtown Aquarium. We had never been and it was SOO cool! We went on a train ride through out the park, which was awesome. They have a shark tunnel and you are surrounded by sharks- above you, around you, etc. It was SOOO cool! They also have a really neat aquarium thing set up with tons of fish and awesome decor- it was SO much nicer than the zoo! The white tigers they had were really beautiful as well, and the boys thought that was awesome (still not quite sure what the white tigers had to do with an aquarium, but whatever- it was still cool!) LOL
Here are the pictures from that though:
Us on the train ride
Jace (was sitting in front of me with Elizabeth)
The HUGE ferris wheel they have there (viewed from the train)
SHARKS!!! :-)
You can't see it very well, but there is a HUGE python behind the boys!
White tigers- SO beautiful!! (sorry, not a very good picture!)
They thought this was pretty cool!
Blayden watching the fish at the resteraunt
Posted by *Kel* at 7:36 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007
My results from the Dr.
Well, with Halloween and just different stuff going on, I haven't had a chance to post what my Dr. said about me.
I got a call Tuesday morning from the Dr's office asking what insurance I had (this wasn't from my nurse, just some random person there.) When I told them that I didn't have insurance right now, she asked if I still wanted to schedule the CT scan, because that was going to be at least $500! I had NO idea what she was talking about- I told her that I didn't know I even needed a CT scan and that I hadn't talked to my nurse or Dr. yet that morning. So, she basically tells me "oops" and then tells me she'll get my nurse to call me.
That happens about an hour later (by that time I'm a little freaked out though! LOL) and just says that the Dr. would like for me to have a CT scan to make SURE that it's just the cysts causing the problems and there are not any other masses that we missed during the u/s. She said the blood work came back without an infection showing up (so it's not my IUD causing the pain and problems) and without an UTI or anything else. But, since I don't have insurance we decided that we would wait until Monday to do anything else. If I'm still in pain (which I am, just not as bad for as long- I have times during the day where I'm REALLY hurting, and then other times when I'm just really sore feeling- this morning is actually really bad though) then we'll do a CT scan.
Anyway, that's that! I'm still not sure if it's JUST the cysts- I've had cysts before and they've just never caused this much pain! But, maybe since it was such a big cyst, and I obviously have them on both sides, that's why. Who knows!!
Okay... gotta fix Daylon some breakfast and get him out the door. Matt left EARLY (5:30 this morning) to go to South Texas to go deer hunting with a friend of his, so it's just me for the weekend with the boys. Fun, fun, fun! ;-)
Posted by *Kel* at 7:06 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
First hair cut

And then Kelton and Jace being silly today. :-) (They had both just woken up not too long before this from their naps.)

Posted by *Kel* at 4:24 PM 2 comments
What a stinker!!
I went to check in on Blayden a few days ago and he was sleeping like this:
A little later that same day, I found him in the kitchen where Kelton had left a thing of kool-aid on the floor. He had poured the WHOLE thing out!! It was SOO funny- mostly because he was so incredibly proud of himself. He saw me and started clapping!!!
Posted by *Kel* at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Happy Halloween!!!
The boys had a BLAST last night for Halloween. We went with some friends, the Burns' family (they have two boys that are Daylon and Kelton's ages) and they loved it. And they all looked SOOO cute! Anyway, here are a few pictures.

Blayden (aka: "Squirt"- the turtle from Finding Nemo)
With their friends- Nicky and Jacob
Posted by *Kel* at 2:37 PM 2 comments