Well, Matt has REALLY been wanting a boat!! He's been looking for awhile, and he found one on ebay that was a good deal. He went down to Kemah where it is docked, met with the broker and the owners (who are 87 and 85 years old!!) and he LOVED the boat! These owners haven't taken the boat out at all in the last few years that they've owned it, so it's in great condition.
It's a 300 Sea Ray Sundancer, 33 ft long, and sleeps 6 adults (it has two "bedrooms," a dining room table thing that makes out into a bed, a bathroom with toilet, etc, a kitchen with a stove, microwave, fridge, and a/c- very important!! LOL)
It's awesome and he got a better deal than he thought he would because the owners liked him!! LOL
Anyway, here's a picture of it:

It's just really nice and awesome- the boys (and Matt!!) are super excited!!! We are hoping that all of the paperwork gets done this week and we can go and ride on it this weekend. We're going to leave it at Kemah for awhile, just because it's easier to do that than get a trailor and take it somwehere else (and I love the ocean!!)
Nice, huh?!?!? :-)