(We left Blayden with my sister (and my mom) to keep because 1) he would NOT have liked that long drive, and 2) he was sick and we felt that the colder air would have made him worse. I missed him like crazy!!!!)
Anyway, we left Christmas Eve and stayed in Abilene for the night, got up and drove the rest of the way to Ruidoso. That is a LONG drive!! We got there, checked into our cabin and took all of our luggage in, then ran to an Allsups (convient store- we don't have them here but they were everywhere else we went! LOL)to get a few groceries for the night and morning.
We barely got back to the cabin and it started to SNOW!!! It was SOO beautiful and was coming down in these thick flakes. I was so glad the boys got to see it! Here are a few pictures of them playing in the snow:
Jace was super exdcited!
Kelton all bundled up:
Daylon- look at that snow coming down!
The next morning:
Sierra Blanca Moutain (Ski Apache is on the very top) This was our view from the side of our cabin.
Wednesday morning we got up, played in the snow some (see pictures above), then went to Wal Mart for food. We actually got a little stuck on the drive back, trying to get up to our cabin. There was a pretty steep hill, and since it was covered in snow and ice, it was NOT easy to get up it! We pulled over to the side though, and just waited until it thawed some.
We then took the boys to a place called Winter Park where they have a huge tubing hill. They had a BLAST (so did Matt and I for that matter though!!) Here are a few pictures of that:
Matt and Kelton
Picture of the hill- they had 4 different things you could go down:
We went shopping on Thursday (the boys actually loved this and wanted to go more on Friday since they had some of their own money. It was actually a pleasent experience!!)
Then on Friday we got up and went Horseback riding. Daylon was a little scared at first (he's our cautious son!) but ended up LOVING it! Jace and Kelton were both led by one of the guides, and Kelton enjoyed his ride so much that he almost fell asleep on the horse! We ended up having to stop and let him on the horse with Matt for a little while. It was so funny and cute!
Anyway, here's a few pictures of us on the horses:
Kelton and Jace (on Poncho and McCree)
All of us:
There are also TONS more pictures of our trip on my Shutterfly account that you can see. Here's the link: http://mkdjkrat.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b35fd6b9c4c3
We ended up coming home a day early (we were going to stay until the 30th, then stay the night in Abilene again for a break), but I missed Blayden SOOO much. We actually drove straight through and got here on the 29th. He was excited to see us, but still not feeling great (stuffy nose and allergy junk now), so I was thrilled to be home with him again.
I like vacations and all, but it is just SO nice to be home and finally relax and get things back to normal!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Ruidoso, NM
Posted by *Kel* at 11:37 AM 3 comments
Pictures of the boys on our Christmas Eve (so actually 2 days before Christmas) ;-)
Well, since we left to go to New Mexico on Christmas Eve and just got home on Sunday (a day early- more about that in the next post), I'm just now getting the chance to post about our Christmas! We had Christmas a day early- on Christmas Eve, and just told the boys that it was Christmas. This will definitely be the last year we'll be able to do that though- Daylon was suspicious anyway!
Kelton was the first one to wake up and came in our room and got in bed with us. He layed there for a few minutes and then asked "where did all that stuff in the living room come from?" It was really cute- I guess he forgot that Santa had come. Daylon got up right after that, and then I went and woke up Jace and Blayden. Blayden was sick- allergies, ear infection, and just the crud BAD (eyes were swollen, nose was stuffy, etc, etc, etc) so he wasn't in the best mood for his first Christmas.
Anyway, I think the boys all got everything they wanted (they should at least- they got TONS of stuff!!) And I know I did!! Matt got me some Juicy Coutour perfume, Photoshop Elements (I still need to work on it- it's complicated!), 6 different Circle E Candles (my house smells SO yummy all of the time now!!), and a weather center alarm clock thing. It's pretty cool and I'm ALWAYS interested in what the weather is doing! So it was a perfect gift for me.
But.. here are some pictures of our Christmas morning:
Daylon looking at his stuff
Blayden opening up one of his gifts (with Kelton's help- kinda)
Jace REALLY wanted this thing!
Blayden playing in his castle (see how sick he looks?!)

Posted by *Kel* at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
My Christmas present early....
Well, Matt told me yesterday that he had an idea for a Christmas present for me (and the boys) and he wanted to tell me so I could start getting ready for it. He told me that I have a few thousand dollars to spend on going to Colorado or New Mexico or somewhere so the boys could see some snow! ;-)
So... after looking everything up and comparing prices and places that were available, we decided to go to Ruidoso, New Mexico. We'll be leaving around 1 in the morning on Christmas Eve/ early Christmas morning and we'll get there around 3 or so Christmas day. I'm a little upset about being gone from the house on Christmas, but we'll work it out somehow with presents (I figured we'll either let the boys open the gifts from us early, and then have 'Santa' come while we're gone, or we'll just tell them that Christmas Eve is actually Christmas DAY, and Santa can come a night early in our house (we have a lot of Christmas countdown things in the house so it won't be hard for me to change it or anything!!!) What do ya'll think??
Anyway, here is the cabin that we are staying at:
The deck:
The Living Room:
The View:
I'm really excited though!! I'm REALLY hoping that the girl that babysits for us, Elizabeth, decides to go with us. As far as we can tell at this resort, they do not have a child care for younger kids (they have a Ski School called the "Kiddie Korral" for Kelton and Jace, and Daylon is old enough to go to Ski School with me and Matt. (I've been skiing before, but it was when I was 15 so it's been a LONG time- and I wasn't that great at it at the time either!)
Now it's just off to get some boots, sunglasses, etc. although my MIL tells me that we should just wait for most of that stuff until we get to New Mexico and get it all at Wal Mart and it's a lot cheaper (however, since we'll be going on Christmas DAY, Wal Mart will probably be closed!!!)
Posted by *Kel* at 8:05 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Brag on Daylon

Posted by *Kel* at 5:17 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
I love Christmas decorations!!
Our Christmas Tree and Mantel at night

Mantel during the day

Posted by *Kel* at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Blayden laughing
I couldn't get him to laugh like he was at first- you know that deep belly laugh that is SOOO funny to listen to?!?! Jace and Kelton were rolling balls at him and he thought it was hilarious. Anyway, this is the part that I actually got (once he saw my camera he was just about done with it all though!)
Posted by *Kel* at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Trampoline Fun!!
I put Blayden on the trampoline for the first time the other day. He thought it was SOOO funny when the boys jumped and bounced him! Anyway, here is a picture of him on it: And the video:
Posted by *Kel* at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Christmas Tree
We decided to go to Spring, TX (outside of Houston) again this year to cut down our Christmas tree. We found this place when we lived in The Woodlands, and have gone back every year to cut down a tree except for last year. Anyway, the boys LOVE it (they have the big jumping things, Santa Clause, a little market, food, hot chocolate, a train ride, etc.)
We went last Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) because we just couldn't wait anymore. So, here are the pictures from our day (and of the tree finished).
All of us on the tractor ride that takes you out to where the trees are (it's a HUGE farm!) (And not sure what Matt was doing with his mouth there, and Matt had given Jace that horrible hat to wear- it was cold, but it looks horrible on him!!)
The boys (minus Blayden who was next to me):
Blayden all snuggled up (it really was cold!):
The tree we decided to get (yes, it's really over 10 feet tall!!):
Cutting the tree down:
The finished product:
I'll try to remember to take a picture of the tree tonight- it's beautiful with the blue lights on it and everything!! :-)
Posted by *Kel* at 11:20 AM 1 comments
Man alive!
I didn't realize it had been QUITE so long since I wrote anything on here! It's just been crazy busy around here and I've been exhausted almost all of the time. I love the holidays, but it seems like I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off- I just can't catch a break.
Matt's been working a lot and trying to start up another end of his business (a retail center that sells swimming pool supplies, spas, etc) and so he's been so super busy with that. I love my kids, but having them CONSTANTLY is getting to me! And when they are at MDO, it seems like I have about an hour to myself and that's usually spent grocery shopping or doing things that just have to be done (although I did go to Old Navy and buy a LOT of clothes on Thursday for myself and Daylon! LOL)
Anyway, I'm just going a little bonkers. We have a dinner date tonight with some neighbor friends of ours and I am REALLY looking forward to that! (And then a Christmas party thing with the same neighbor friends on Tuesday night! And then MAYBE going out again on Friday for a friends birthday!) ;-) I just really need it right now though.
Alright... I've been on this computer for the last hour and a half doing homework for my online class (finally FINISHED!!! Now I just need to study for my final that is going to be next week sometime). So I'd better get off and spend some time with the boys or cleaning up or something productive around here.
Posted by *Kel* at 11:02 AM 1 comments