Just wanted to brag on my big boy! He's been studying VERY hard this week for his spelling test today (Friday.) There are ten regular words (stump, jump, lump, bump, hand, land, band, sand, who, & its), and then there were four bonus words. And for a first grader, those words are pretty hard- Santa, lights, reindeer, & candy cane. Well, Daylon brought his test home today and he made a 103!! He would have made a 104, but Matt and I didn't make him write out Santa with a capital 'S' so he didn't write it that way for the test and she counted it wrong. But, really, he made a 104.
I'm super proud of him and he's come SOO far this year- he's had problems reading from the get-go, we've figured out that he really needs his glasses while he is reading and at school (which he hates), and there is a chance that he MIGHT be slightly dyslexic (it's just been mentioned and he hasn't been tested on it yet- we're waiting to see if his glasses help him more.)
Anyway, for the problems that he's had, he's doing great with his reading, spelling, and school (he's GREAT in math- all of his math stuff he's made a 100 on!) and loves science stuff. Maybe he'll be more like me than Matt after all- SMART!!!!! ;-)

Yay, way to go Daylon! It's such a great feeling to see your kids working hard and succeeding. Those are some pretty hard bonus words too! :)
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