Friday, December 11, 2009

Busy, busy, and more busy!!

I honestly thought I would be better about keeping this thing up, but I guess not. Things have been SOOO busy this semester! I haven't had time to do anything that I wanted to get done!

Daylon has had football practice every other night for 2 hours each night (at least). And Matt is one of the assistant coaches so he's been going to help every night. What a pain! However, it worked out really well because Daylon's team made it to the "Super Bowl" of Pop Warner football. That means that they got to go to Disney World in Florida for a week! They left last Thursday morning, and then Matt and Daylon flew back yesterday and I picked them up in Austin. They had a blast though, and ended up 5th in the nation out of 8500 Jr. Pee Wee teams! The boys worked their butts off though and really deserved everything that they got! Matt and Daylon were the only ones in our family to go though- I just had so much stuff to do here, and we would have had to take Jace and Kelton out of school for the week as well and it was just too much for all of us for that long of a time period. I think Matt and Daylon enjoyed going by themselves though- and they brought back presents for all of us! :-)

Jace has been doing really well in school. Matt and I met with his teacher last month for a conference and she told us that she thinks Jace may be GT- Gifted and Talented. She's keeping an eye out of it though! I'm not completely sure that he doesn't have dyslexia like Daylon though. Spelling comes easy to him- as does most stuff- but he will constantly write and read his letters backwards (w's and m's and b's and d's, etc). If he keeps it up, I'm sure we will have to get him tested this summer so he can get extra help for it next year- they start getting help in 2nd grade.

Kelton is doing great in school too. He's the one that will get into trouble though- pushing other kids, talking when he's not supposed to, etc. What a stinker! He's doing good academically though, so if we can just get him to behave, we'll be doing great. I think it'll come in time- he's just a little toot! He's the same way at home- the instigator in almost everything- so I'm not surprised he's like that at school. He's not as whiney as he used to be here though, so hopefully he's getting over that. I can't STAND the whining!! It makes my jaws clench and just causes a lot of stress in our house. It's annoying!! But he's the sweet one who loves to cuddle as much as he can. And he's all about doing and getting everything that Jace and Daylon get and do. He wants to be older so bad!!

Blayden is a little stinker!! He's stubborn and all of 2 years old! But he has found out that if he makes funny faces and noises that he'll get his older brothers to laugh at him. He's such a clown!! He LOVES to make everyone laugh! He's talking up a storm and says some hilarious things! I'll have to make sure I post next time he says something! My mom bought him a train table for Christmas and already gave it to him since it was too big for her to keep at her house. So it's already in his room and he LOVES it! He's been really into trains lately so the table is just a hit. Jace and Kelton have enjoyed playing with it as well, and it's even fun for me to set up the track for him. I met with his teacher at school yesterday and she says he's doing great! He's sweet, gets along with all the other students, and loves to play with everyone. And he loves singing songs (I've noticed that!)

Matt and I have both been busy lately. I've had school every Monday and Wednesday. I was taking 18 hours so I could order my Aggie ring this month (I'll get it in April). So I've been crazy lately. I still have one assignment that I have to finish for my classes and two finals- one next Monday and one on Tuesday. After that I'm done for the semester and I'm THRILLED!! Hopefully I'll get a 4.0 again, but I'm not sure yet. We'll see! :-) I have also been an intern in Navasota this semester, working with 4th graders in a reading/social studies classroom. It was a LOT of work and I would come home exhausteed. But the kids were awesome (when they weren't being lazy and telling me something was "too hard" that I knew they could do!!) and I already miss them. I'll have to go back and visit soon- they loved me and I loved them!

I think that's a good updated on us though. I'll try to get a few pictures uploaded from things that have been going on. We'll see! It's just me and Blayden home today, and I am working on potty training him so I'm spending a lot of my time taking him back and forth to the bathroom. Fun for me! ;-)


Christine said...

Great update, you guys HAVE been busy!! That's awesome you are able to handle so many hours at school and still get such good grades, way to go!

P.S. Put a portable potty chair in the living room in front of the TV ;) It will make your life a lot easier!

Christine said...
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