Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas with Matt's family

We had Christmas with Matt's family last Saturday and the boys had a blast. Kathy got the three older boys a sled thingy each for them to take to New Mexico this next week. They are SOOO excited to try them out!! She got me some pj's and a book (yay!), and got Matt some snow boots. She also got BB some snow boots and ski pants/bib. Too cute on him too!!! :-) I can't wait to see what he does with all the snow! :-)

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the boys at Kathy's house.

Blayden playing with Matt's step-brother, Travis:

Me and Matt: (I know I looked horrible and was SOOO tired! Ugg!)

Ready to open presents!!

Blayden helped out passing out presents- he brought this one over to me to hold for him so he could open it.

Matt's little sister, Sarah, and her boyfriend, Josh: