My poor puppy!!! He's glad to be home, but I can tell it's still bothering him. And his ears are itching as well so he keeps trying to shake his head. This sucks!!!
Crazy, wild, fun, loving, and one great BIG family!!!
Posted by *Kel* at 4:49 PM 1 comments
Jace had a photoshoot for The Blue Kangaroo- a high end clothing store here in town- a few weeks ago. They were taking pictures to be featured in the Spring edition of the Brazos Valley Family Magazine. They ended up only choosing one of the pictures he was in (they took tons and he had 3 different outfits on), but it's cute and he's excited to see himself in the magazine. This is the picture they choose though. :-)
(I was also kind of upset that this is the ONLY picture that they picked with more than one kid in it. The others are of little girls and a baby boy and they are all in pictures by themself. What's that about?!?!?!?)
Posted by *Kel* at 3:58 PM 1 comments
I went into Jace and Kelton's room a few nights ago to check on them and they looked SOO cute while they were sleeping, so I decided to take a picture. They are laying at the end of the bed, using Jace's huge bear he got for Christmas as their pillow. They were OUT!!! LOL
Posted by *Kel* at 3:50 PM 1 comments
(I'm getting all of my blogging done today, can you tell?!?!?!)
Anyway, Blayden just all of a sudden really started talking- amazing for just being a little over a year old! He started saying "thank you" today (sounds like "tank to"). It's so cute!!!
He can also say:
Fish- "ish"
Daddy (yes, "Daddy!")
What is it?/what is that? (says this pretty good!)
Thank you- "tank to"
And I think there are a few others but I can't think of them right now! LOL He's my most talkative boy at this age by far- none of the other boys could say anything other than "Mama" and "Dada" at this age I think! It's just SOOO cute!
Here's a recent picture of him, just so you can see him. :-)
AND, he's trying really hard to FINALLY walk! He started taking off a lot this last weekend and can take about 10-12 steps to get somewhere. He's so much fun right now! :-)
Posted by *Kel* at 3:43 PM 1 comments
We went to the Hospice charity event "Steak, Rattle, and Roll" Saturday night at the Expo Center with some of our friends. We had a BLAST!!! It was really affordable ($60 a ticket- which is really good for a charity event), and they had lots of stuff for silent bidding and then a live auction for stuff, and then had a Casino set up so you could play Black Jack (what we did all night!), Poker, Roulette, and Craps.
Well, I made the comment to Matt that I liked the earrings that Douglas Jewelers had donated for the live auction. They were white gold loops with diamonds all over them- a total of 1 carat on both diamonds (.5 carats on each one.) Well, they were beautiful, and the original suggested retail price was $2300.
The live auction started and Matt bid on them and won them!!!! He got a good deal for them (especially since everything goes to a charity so it's tax deductible! LOL) and absolutely beautiful!!!
I am so excited!!!!!! :-) Here's a picture of them:
HOWEVER, I was going to put them on the night I got them, and the clasp of one of the earrings doesn't work! So, I told them about it right then and there, they wrote a note, and I'm going to take them in tomorrow for Douglas Jewelers to fix it (I called them today too). And then, last night Matt and I were looking at them again, and one of them is missing a diamond! (It's the one on the left in the picture- the very bottom on the front) so I told them about that too. The guy I talked to said he can't promise anything on that though, because the owner will have to decide. It's just aggrevating, ya know?!?! (But they are still really beautiful! LOL)
I love my husband!
(And he and the boys got me these flowers for Valentines Day. They got them the Sunday before hand, but it was the thought that counted, right!??!? Jace picked out all of the colorful flowers, and Kelton got me the white ones.)
Posted by *Kel* at 3:35 PM 1 comments
I completely forgot to post about Daylon's surgery!
He had it last Friday, the 15th, and it went AWESOME!!! He was really nervous about it before hand, but once he was there and got settled down, he was okay. We went to The Physicians Center and had it done, and they were really good to him and the other kids we saw there (and it's SOO clean and comfortable too!!)
We got there at 7:00, checked in, and they took him back around 8:30. He was done in 20 minutes! The Dr. said he had to get a LOT of hard wax out of his ears, put the tubes in, and then he had to remove some of his adnoids that had grown back (he had gotten his tonsils and adnoids removed when he was just 3 years old.)
We were able to go home around 9:35 so it wasn't bad at all!! :-) He's done really great with it too, and hasn't complained at all about his throat or ears hurting. And we can already tell a BIG difference in his hearing!!! Matt was sitting a few feet from him and Daylon was looking at me, and Matt whispered to him, and Daylon could hear him- which was something he could NOT do before the surgery! It's amazing! LOL
Anyway, just wanted to update on that one. :-)
Posted by *Kel* at 3:30 PM 1 comments
I had to take Gunner to the vet today for a sore on his neck. I couldn't tell (it was really hurting him and I didn't want to mess with it- and he's got a LOT of hair) where the sore was exactly or what it was. Anyway, I dropped him off at the vets this morning, and just called to check on him.
They had to COMPLETELY put him under just so they could shave around his neck and look at it, clean it, etc, because it was hurting him so badly. They have no idea at this time what it is, but it's an infected sore all the way around his neck. The vet said he thought it looked like a chemical burn!!
Now, Gunner is my big baby (and I mean BIG- we weighed him when we were there and he's 98.5 pounds! LOL) and is the sweetest dog in the world. I have no idea what happened to him! The only thing that I can think of is he was outside a lot while it was raining (he loves to go and sit in the rain) and maybe his collar (just a normal collar) got wet and then irritated his skin or something.
It's just so sad. He's going to stay at the vets office all night tonight so they can give him meds and watch him, etc. Just SUCKS!!!
Posted by *Kel* at 3:29 PM 0 comments