I went and picked up Gunner (finally!) from the vets office today. They have absolutely no idea what caused this infection/rash/burn stuff on him. The vets guess is that he got an ear infection (is on meds for it now) and it was bothering him so much that he started scratching a LOT. He got a scratch and irritation from scratching and then it got infected really quickly. That's just a guess though, but we just don't know and may never know.
I took some pictures of it to show everyone what I'm dealing with over here (and to think- I have to RUB meds on it twice a day!!!!) WARNING!!!! It is NOT a pretty sight!!!

My poor puppy!!! He's glad to be home, but I can tell it's still bothering him. And his ears are itching as well so he keeps trying to shake his head. This sucks!!!
Yikes, that looks awful. I hope he is getting better!
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