Friday, October 12, 2007

Just goin' crazy!

I don't think I've slowed down in the last week or so, much less STOPPED to enjoy myself! I still have my two classes that I've had to deal with, and the boys all have school (which is going really well for all of them), karate, football, etc, etc, etc. It really does seem like we just don't stop for anything anymore! I can't even imagine how crazy it's going to be when all four boys start doing sports and stuff. Ugg!!

On top of that, Blayden STILL isn't feeling well. His nose is still stuffy and yucky and he is even running a slight fever today (he's trying to get one of his top teeth so that's probably not helping- I don't care WHAT the Dr's say, kids DO run a fever when they are teething!) I just don't know what the deal is though! This is a CONSTANT stuffy nose for him and it makes him (and me) miserable. He can't breathe at night, and the last two nights he's even started to cough really badly. Guess I'm going to call the Dr. and see if I can get him in again today.

Jace and Kelton also came home from their Mother's Day Out yesterday with a fever and Jace has thrown up (a little) this morning. So I missed Daylon's football game to stay home with them (Daylon got one out of the two touchdowns our team scored too- he's doing AWESOME with it this year and is one of the best kids on the team!) I'm just so tired of having someone sick in my family! We can't all get well at once. (Even I don't feel good, but I think it's because I was out walking yesterday morning and it was COLD- well, 62 degrees, which is cold when you're not used to it yet!) ;-)

Anyway, that's kind of my gripe for the day. I'm going to call the Dr.'s office once they open. On a good note, Christine was great and sent me a Boulevard for Blayden so I feel SOOO much safer with him in that! It's such an awesome car seat and he really seems to love it. Yippee for us!! (And thanks again, Christine!!)

Oh!! And I'm going to try to sell my Navigator. I LOVE it and it's so nice, but there is NOT enough room in the back for storage, etc. I can't even put Blayden's stroller and groceries all back there at once. I really want a Suburban or something that has more storage room. So if anyone knows of anyone that might be interseted in a 2006 silver Lincoln Navigator with only 15,000 miles, let me know. We're JUST asking what we owe on it. :-)


Christine said...

I'm sorry all the kiddos are sick, that is the worst! I hope everyone gets better soon. I'm so happy to hear that the Boulevard is working out well! Good luck with selling the Navigator - try putting it on craigslist, we've had awesome luck with that and it's free to list! Whatever you do, DON'T trade it in at the dealership, they always screw you over big time!

The Gomez Family said...

Sounds like you and i are in the same far as kids with stuffy noses. Ales and Enzo are just barely getting over their coughs as well. I hope your little guys pull through before Halloween. :)