Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So, I had to go to the Dr. yesterday. I've had serious cramps for about a week or so now, and then REALLY bad pain, mostly on my left side, this last weekend. So I went in and got an u/s done. I have a 5 cm cyst on my right overy (the normal size is about 2-3 cm), and then I had a LOT of fluid all around my left overy. My Dr. is assuming that I had a cyst on that one as well and it had ruptured. They can't do anything for cysts unless they stay there for awhile or get huge, so she gave me a shot of something to help the pain and sent me on my way.

I had to call them again this morning though because I was in SOO much pain, I felt nausous, achy, etc. Still the really bad crampy feeling. I went to get blood drawn and a urinalysis so we'll see what they say about that (we should have my results by tomorrow morning though which is good!) It just really sucks though because I just cancelled my health insurance this month! We were paying almost $300 a month just for me (less than $100 for Matt and the boys each) and we just couldn't do it anymore. Go figure, huh?!?!

Anyway! The boys are doing good and excited about Halloween tomorrow night. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and post them. Jace and Kelton had a "Fall party" at their school today and they thought that was really cool and Daylon has his "Bat Feast" (where they eat what the bats eat- fruit, bugs (gummy!), blood (red drinks), etc) and he's SUPER excited about that! We're still not exactly sure where we'll go Trick-Or-Treating this year. I do know that we'll be going with some friends of ours and their two boys, so that'll be nice. Last year we had a huge neighborhood thing where all of the kids went together (with the parents following of course!) then went to one of the neighbors houses and had a big chili dinner thing. Yumm!! It seems like all of our neighbors (with the exception of a few) have peaced out on us though, and we're no longer "friends." Long story, but just sucks for the kids, ya know??

Anyway! I've lost my train of thought- one of the neighborhood girls just came by to see if I would donate money to her Jump Rope for Heart (of course I did!) ;-)

Alright, I'd better get going. Need to figure something out for supper (we have tons of different kinds of leftovers so everyone is just going to have to make do with that!), get the house picked up so they can come and clean it tomorrow (gotta love that!), and then make sure everything is ready for Trick-Or-Treating tomorrow too (YEAH!) I'm off!


Christine said...

Oh yikes, that sounds really painful! I hope that it gets better soon. That stinks that there isn't anything they can do about it. Have you tried any alternative medicine? We use a lot of homeopathic and herbal stuff and it really works. Check out these links and see if maybe the info there can help:

Hope you guys have a fun and happy Halloween!!

The Gomez Family said...

Get well Soon! :)