Monday, January 28, 2008

My baby needs tubes

No, not my little baby, my BIG baby!!!

Daylon had failed a part of his hearing test at school (and we were having problems with him at the house too) and we just now got around to taking him to the ENT for a hearing test (I've gotten at least 2 of them in the last year at the Dr's office and they always tell me he's fine!!)

Anyway, I took him today to Central Texas ENT (thanks for the referral Kelli! They were really awesome with him!) and he can NOT hear well at all in both ears. They said he had tons of fluid built up behind his ears and they were a little inflamed. So he needs tubes as soon as possible to help it drain and get him to hearing normal again.

It sucks though because we don't have any health insurance for him (we do for Matt and the other three boys!) so we're going to have to pay for all of it out of pocket. Ugg!!


Christine said...

Oh wow, poor guy! I hope the tubes work to clear up his ears and he recovers quickly. I had to get tubes in my ears when I was a kid and once they fell out, I never had any more problems so hopefully this will fix the problem forever for him. :)