Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sick peoples

Yep, we have a house full of sickos (well 3 out of the 6!)

Jace came down with a slight fever last Wednesday (yes, almost a week ago now), and then got a dry hacking cough. I kept asking him if anything was hurting and he just told me his head was a little bit (and sometimes his stomach but he was never sick or anything.) Then Friday he got a VERY high fever- about 104 or so, and then Kelton got it on Saturday. Same thing, just an almost continuous fever (comes down with Motrin, thank goodness!) I kept thinking it was probably the flu (it's been going around here BAD) but they never said anything was hurting and they both got a flu shot so I wasn't sure.

Then Matt came home early from work today (I was at home with the boys anyway- they were supposed to have school but Jace was still running a fever and Kelton did yesterday) and he said he was feeling horrible. He had a high fever of about 103 or so, achey, etc. So I took him to the Dr (I read that if you catch the flu in the first 48 hours you can take Tamiflu or something to help it not be as bad. I would have taken both Jace and Kelton but since they were saying that nothing hurt I assumed it wasn't the flu, maybe just a virus. Turns out that since they had the flu shot they just didn't get the symptoms as bad.) Anyway, I took Matt to the Dr at 11 this morning and sure enough, it's the flu. He's on Tamiflu and some cough medicine to help him out. He's been sleeping since about 2 this afternoon (fun for me, right?!)

Right now I'm just PRAYING that no one else gets it (but I'm not holding my breath!) Blayden was the only other one that got a flu shot this year (Daylon just wasn't with me when I got the other boys done) so I guess if Daylon or I get it, it'll be pretty bad like it is for Matt.

Anyway... that's what's going on in our house! Blah!


Christine said...

Aw that stinks! I really hope you and Blayden don't get it too.

You know, it's weird, we've been incredibly lucky w/ the flu - neither me, Kevin or the kids have ever gotten it in our entire lives (none of us have ever had a flu shot either) Knock on wood! Now that I say that, we'll probably all get it, lol!

I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. :)