Friday, April 11, 2008

Walking with Dinosaurs

Here are the pictures I promised from last weekend seeing "Walking with Dinosaurs" at the Toyota Center in Houston.

Me and the boys (Daylon stayed here with a friend)

A momma something-or-other and then a mean one that was tring to get to her babies (the small one is the mean one!) See how small the anouncer guy is compared to these things?!?!?

This is a baby brontiosauras (sp?) and it's mama, and a mean one trying to get to them both.

Big bird (flying over "water")

Forgot what this guy is called....

Tyranasauras Rex!!! (sp again???) LOL

Tyranasaures Rex and her baby (they were taking turns making noises- the mama would growl really loudly, then the baby would make a "baby" noise. The kids thought it was hilarious and it made them not so scared of the noise!)


Christine said...

That looks amazing! I've never heard of that show before. Is it only in Houston or is it like a touring show? I'd love to take the kids to that, Kobe would flip out - he loves dinos!

The Gomez Family said...

OMG! That is a totally cool show. I would love to take my boys to see that. Where can i find them on tour? Is it always in houston?...:)