Friday, August 15, 2008

Jace's Pirate themed room

Well, I finished Jace's room and while it's cute, it's not my favorite. I just could not BARE to cover up the frogs and stuff (from Blaydens' room) with paint, so I just put big stickers over it all. And these sticker things just aren't sticking very well!! I'm going to have to figure something else out pretty soon to get them to stay.

Anyway, he loves it and it really is okay. Here are some pictures, what do you think??

Above his bed:

His bed (I LOVE his bedding!!):

His desk: (Just ignore the ladder- I'm going to put glow in the dark stars on his ceiling so I have it in there to motivate me to do it! LOL)

Above his dresser:

On the wall as soon as you walk in (kind of behind his door, actually):


mp said...

i like it. i can kinda see the stickers though, but still way cute!