Friday, August 8, 2008

LASIK uptdate

Well, I got there yesterday at noon (Matt drove me), and they got me right in. I had to pay for it all, then they took my blood pressure and pulse (a little high- I was getting nervous!), and then explained (again) all of the eye drops, etc. They then gave me 20 mg of Valium to help calm me down. After that they took me to the back room and sat me in a really comfy recliner and told me to listen to my iPod (they had told us to bring one if we had it), and read or whatever to help me relax. They then put 2 rounds of eye drops (numbing stuff, etc) in my eyes, and then after about 20 minutes they took me back into the surgery area.

I got in there and it was FREEZING. They gave me a blanket, got me situated under the Laser machine, and then covered my left eye and taped up my lashes on my right eye. Then they put this thing to make it even more open. After that they put this "sucker" kind of thing on my eye, and I felt a lot of pressure (no pain) and then it went completely BLACK for a few seconds (that was when they were cutting the cornea.) I could then see them pull the cornea flap back (weird!) and then a few seconds later they started the laser. I could hear it, and see little blue flashes, and you can SMELL that laser smell (kind of burning, ya know??) After about 40 seconds of that, they put my cornea back over my eye, smoothed it down, put some drops in my eye, and then that was that. They did the other eye, checked both eyes to make sure the corneas were still down and then they walked me out to get my beautiful googles (had to wear them until this morning, and have to continue to wear them at night for the next 5 nights), and Matt took me home.

I slept all afternoon yesterday which was REALLY nice- didn't have any pain, just some itchiness and dryness, but that's it. I went back in for a check up this morning and they said it all looked great and I already have 20/25 vision in both eyes (that will get better over the next 2-4 weeks.)

I'm SOOOOO thrilled with the whole thing and so glad I was able to get it done! I just can't believe that I don't have to wear glasses at ALL anymore!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!!!


Christine said...

Wow, that is amazing! I'm so glad everything went smoothly and you won't have to deal w/ wearing glasses anymore!

mp said...

glad it went well!!!