Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kelton and Blayden well check ups (& Jace dentist)

Kelton and Blayden both had their well check ups on Monday afternoon. (Kelton for 5 years, and Blayden for 18 months.)

They're both doing really well and are very healthy, of course. ;-)

I don't remember the exact measurements for Kelton, but he is at 90% for height (always has been!) and is at 50% for weight. He's my tall, SKINNY boy!!!

Blayden weighs 25 pounds, and is 34" tall. So he's at 50% for weight, and 90% for height as well. I'm just glad Blayden is finally catching up on the height thing- for a long time he was like 75% for height and I was really afraid that he was going to be shorter than his brothers (they've all been at 90% I think.)

Anyway, again, they're both doing really well.

I took Jace to the dentist this morning because he has a "grown up tooth" coming in BEHIND one of his baby teeth on the bottom, and that baby tooth isn't loose at all. He has no cavities and did really well at the dentist, but he has to go back on the 26th (of course that's the 2nd day of school!!!) to get THREE of his bottom teeth pulled out (the one that is in front of the permanant tooth coming in, and then the teeth on either side of that one so his teeth won't go to one side or the other.) And then they want to do an X-ray to make sure all of his other permanant teeth are coming in good. Going to me an expensive visit!!! It looks like he's got a pretty good chance of having braces in the long run though. Fun stuff!!! ;-) (Neither me nor Matt had braces, but having 4 kids we figured that we would have at least ONE that would have to get them!!!)

That's about it for the updates on the kids right now though... just growing, being boys, and all that fun stuff! ;-)


mp said...

tanner's teeth did that. she looked like a shark with all her layers of teeth.

glad you are getting it taken care of.

yay for healthy boys!

Christine said...

Yikes, 3 teeth pulled at once, that makes me cringe! Hopefully they give him some good drugs so it doesn't hurt. Poor little guy!