So.... Daylon is 8 years old today!! I can hardly believe it either. He's SOOO big- he weighs 86 pounds and is 4'4" (less than a foot shorter than me!) He just takes after Matt in that he is SOLID- he doesn't look that big.
Here are some pictures of him growing up.
He's ALWAYS loved Matt!!

Silly boy (at about 10 months old)

Here with Jace

He's always loved to ride bikes!!

Daylon's 3rd birthday party (I was pregnant with Kelton)

I had put this picture in Kelton's crib at the hospital while he was in the NICU

Daylon's 4th Birthday- his expression when he got his new bike!

Going to cut down our Christmas tree 2004
My great baseball player
At Jace's graduation and Kelton & Blayden's preschool presentation 2 weeks ago
Happy Birthday Daylon!! It's amazing how quickly 8 yrs has gone by, Katie turns 8 on Friday! Only 3 more years and we will have middle schoolers!! OMG!
He is such a cutie...
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