Thursday, May 29, 2008

Something to do...

I've never seen some of these questions so I figured "why not?!" ;-) (And I'm bored....)

What do you drink with dinner?:
Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, milk, or water. Just depends on my mood.

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?:
BBQ sauce

What is your favorite type of food/cuisine?:
Mexican food

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Sound of Music, The Notebook, The Guardian, Fools Rush In... and probably others I can't think of right now!

Were you in sports in high school?

Were you a boy/girl scout?
Yeppers. I was in girl scouts for what?? Like 3 or 4 years maybe.

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?:
Last month to mail pictures of the boys to family members.

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?:
Yeah. Like 2 or 3 now.

Ran out of gas?
No, not personally. But when I was pregnant with Daylon (like 7 months), we were with Matt's mom and step-dad in Dallas going to a funeral, and his step-dad ran out of gas. It sucked.

Favorite kind of sandwich?:
Just about EVERY sandwich is my favorite. I'm a carb-a-holic.

Best thing to eat for breakfast?:
Cereal. Doesn't really matter what kind. (Back to that carb-a-holic thing...)

What is your usual bedtime?:
Between 10 and 12.

Are you lazy?:
Yeck yeah! I love to lay around reading, or doing nothing at all.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?:
Matt would say I'm an introvert. I guess he's probably right on that one, but sometimes when I'm in the mood (and usually with friends) then I'm a big extrovert!

What's your favorite mixed drink?:
Right now it's Jose Cuervo Black and Diet Coke. I also LOVE Big Red and coconut rum.

When you were a kid what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A clown (I think I was a clown for a few years in a row!), a present (wrapped a box, made holes in it, and then put it on me), ummm... can't remember anything else!

Do you read the newspaper?:
I GET the newspaper every day but usually just read it online. Except on Sunday- I like looking at the advertisments. :-)

How many languages can you speak?
Two. English and Kidspeak. Believe me, Kidspeak is a whole other language parents have to learn. (Okay, I can UNDERSTAND some spanish too, but can't speak it for nothing.)

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
3. Parents, Family Circle, and US Magazine (which I got for $6 a year- thanks Lisa!!) ;-)

Is Fabio ugly?:
I don't like men with long hair. There's just something wrong there.

Which are better Legos or Lincoln Logs?
LEGOS! My kids LOVE those things!!!

Red wine or white wine?:
Depends. White if I'm drinking it by itself, red with dinner. Of course, we had an AWESOME bottle of red the other night to celebrate our opening the new store.

Are you stubborn?:
About some things. Okay... About most things.

Who is better...Leno or Letterman?:
Leno. Although we hardly watch either one of them.

Watch a soap opera?:
Nope, never.

Afraid of heights?:
Not if I have something holding me in. I can't handle heights where I could actually FALL though. (Or watching someone else up high where they could fall either!)

Sing in the car?:
Of course! My kids love it. :-)

Dance in the shower?:
Um, no. I don't dance anywhere. Especially when things aren't secured to my body via clothes and can swing more.

Dance in the car?
Yep! My kids think that's fun too. ;-)

Ever used a gun?:
Hhmmm... Thought about it a few times.... LOL No, J/K! Yes, I've used a gun. Don't like it though. (Which reminds me... I need to sell mine.)

Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?:
Last summer at my moms house with the boys and Matt.

Are musicals cheesy?:
Sometimes. I generally like them though as long as I don't have Matt sitting there rolling his eyes!

Is Christmas stressful?:
Yes, sometimes.

Ever eat a pierogie?:
I have absolutely no idea what that is. So I doubt it.

Favorite type of fruit pie?:
Is chocolate a fruit??

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?:
A Mom and teacher.

Do you believe in ghosts?:
Yes. But not the scary out-to-get-you ones. Just the nice ones.

Ever have a Dejavu feeling?:
Yep. Hasn't everyone?!?

Take a vitamin daily?:
Only when I'm pregnant. And I am NOT pregnant right now. Despite what my stomach looks like.

Wear slippers?:
No. I hate things on my feet.

Wear a bath robe?:
No, hardly ever.

What do you wear to bed?:
Usually one of Matt's T-shirts.

First concert?:
Man, I don't even remember. I know it was a Christian band, but can't for the life of me remember which one. DC Talk maybe??

Any tattoos?:
Yep, two. One on my lower stomach/hip. And the other around my ankle that matches the one around Matt's arm.

Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?:
No K-Mart around here. Wal-Mart ONLY if I need something specific from there. And Target the rest of the time. I'm addicted to Target.

Nike or Adidas?:

Fritos or Cheetos?:
Cheetos. Or Fritos with chili and cheese on them...

Corn nuts or sunflowers seeds?:
Sunflower seeds

Ever heard of "gorp?":
Umm... No.

Ever take dance lessons?:
When I was little I took tap and ballet.

Is there a profession that you picture your perfect future spouse to have?
Business owner of a swimming pool company. Yeah, that sounds good. ;-)

Can you curl your tongue?:
Yes. And so can Jace and it's TOOO cute!

Ever won a spelling bee?:
I'm sure that if I was ever IN a spelling be I would have won it. :-)

Have you ever cried because you were so happy?:
I cry all of the time. And yes, I've cried because I was happy.

5 words that describe you?:
Loyal, Trust-worthy, Smart, Non-patient, & Funny

Own any record albums?:

Own a record player?:
I used to... like when I was 10.

Regularly burn incense?:
No. I love to have candles going though.

Ever been in love?:
Yes, I'm in love now.

Who would you really like to see in concert?:
Nickleback or Daughtry

Hot tea or iced tea?:
Iced in the summer, hot in the winter.

Iced Tea or coffee?:
I like both iced tea and iced coffee

Favorite kind of cookie?:
Back to that carb-a-holic thing. I've never met a cookie that didn't like me. And wanted to stick around....

Can you swim well?
Yes, very.

Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?:

Ever had braces or a mouth piece?:
I had a retainer but never wore it (I have this one dang tooth that sticks out JUST a little bit!)

Are you artistic?:
Like can I draw?? No. But I can play the piano and I like making things.

Are you patient?:

DJ or band, at a wedding?:

Ever won a contest?:
If I did, it wasn't a big deal because I don't remember it.

Have plastic surgery?:
Nope. I would love some lipo and a tummy tuck though. LMAO

Which are better, black or green olives?

Can you knit or crochet?
I tried to learn to crochet. It didn't stick though. I can cross-stitch! ;-)

Best room for a fireplace?:
Bedroom. How romantic!


The Gomez Family said...

I never watched soap operas either...That is too funny. :)