So, I was thinking about why the top five people on my myspace friends list are my top five. And I didn't want to put this on myspace because then just about anyone could read it.... ya know?!? Anyways, it's just rambling, but it's important to me too, and I want those people (who I know are the only people to read this anyways!)to know why I love them and think they are special (and yes, I love all of them!)
My Number 1: My Matthew, of course. You know, when Matt and I started dated, I never would have guessed that we would have gotten married, had FOUR kids together, and be even somewhat happy together. We were (and really still are in a lot of ways) completely different from each other. He's very motivated, and I'm lazy (yes, I admit it, I love to sleep, read, lay around and relax, etc.), he's loud, and I'm quiet, he likes the dark, I love lights on in the house and all of the blinds open (we do compromise somewhat well on this one- except for the overhead light above the kitchen counter- I love it on all day and he HATES it!!) And there are other things that we don't see eye-to-eye on too, of course. Major things that could, if we let it, destroy our marriage. I do feel like we compromise well on things, and no matter what, it seems like we can always laugh together. Isn't that a great thing?!? Even if we are laughing at ourselves!
We also have four wonderful kids that are worth us working through all of the hardships for. Every time I look at our boys I know that we are doing something right with them (even though Daylon is starting to talk back more!) as they can be the sweetest, best boys in the world. I love Matt all the more for giving them to me.
I also love Matt for his hardworkingness. :-) He seriously works his butt off and I KNOW this and appreciate it more than he could ever know. Even if I told him every day, I don't think he would realize how much that means to me. (And no, not just so I can be lazy at home and have enough money to buy nice things.) It means the world to me because he does it for US. For him, me, and the boys. He gives himself up every day for us. Does that make sense?!?
Anyway, that's why I love Matt (among other MANY little things about him!!)(Matt, you make my heart smile.)
My Number 2: My sister, Becca! What can I say about my sister?!? She drives me bonkers, for one. She's spoiled rotten (yes, you really are, Becca!), and nutso, and a flirt. But she's the one person that I really do know is ALWAYS there for me (besides Mom, of course, but there are some things that even my understanding Mother wouldn't understand!) I know that Becca would give me the shirt off her back (if it would fit me!) or anything else if I needed it or asked. She's also a wonderful aunt and my boys absolutely love her as well.
My Number 3: LISA!!! Let's see... how much can I say about Lisa without making her emotional, pregnant self cry?!?! (I mean that in a good way, not mean! LOL) Lisa is like, in the words of Anne Shirley (sorry if you don't know who that is- you're missing out) my "bosom friend." I talk to Lisa daily (sometimes several times a day) and even though we have nothing to talk about, we talk about it all. I don't even KNOW everything about Lisa, and she surely doesn't know everything about me, but it doesn't stop me from feeling like she does. I think of Lisa as that person who, if I needed to talk in the middle of the night, I could go to her house (or call) and talk to her (if I could get her to wake up, that is....!) She's my Mother's Night Out drinking buddy (not when she's pregnant, ya'll), and the person that can make me laugh no matter what. She is, to make it simple, my best friend and confidant. I love you, Lis! (Awww... now I'M emotional! Damn liquid diet!!)
My Number 4: Christine. Christine is my inspiration to be a better person. She inspires me to be more patient with my boys, more caring to my husband, to blog where it is interesting to read, to help my kids more with their school stuff (I just can NOT homeschool though, no matter how easy Christine makes it look!), to eat more healthy, and to love life.
Because she (you, Christine) have lost Kyle, you have forever changed my life. I think of Kyle, and I think of Jace just a WEEK older than Kyle, and wonder how my life would be if I lost a child. I don't think I would be as good of a person as you are and make my loss into something so inspirational and helpful (for lack of a better word there) for other people. You have changed SO many people's lives because of your hard work, loving spirit, and COMMITMENT to let others know about your loss and the lessons that you learned from it.
Christine and I have a story of our meeting and friendship that not many people can claim!But. she is, and hopefully always will be, my friend.
My Number 5: Last, but NOT least in my top 5- Kelli!! Boy, Kelli and I have had our hardships, haven't we? We were SUCH good friends, had a falling out, and now we're learning about each other again! Kelli is my work-out buddy and the one that pushes me when I am ready to QUIT! (And it doesn't take much for me to want to- I hate working out!) She's my inspiration to get fit and be a sexy woman again! (Will I EVER get there?!?!) Kelli is the one that I know I can call and meet up with her for a drink EVER and it'll be all good. She probably knows more about me and all of my problems than anyone else combined, and she's the one I gripe to the most about Matt. She's definately seen me at my worst, and she still loves me even though. What better friend is there? I hope I can be that type of friend for her.
And for all of you, for that matter. That's my ultimate goal for my friends and loved ones. I want to be the person that you MISS if I am gone. And the person that you call if something important happens, or doesn't happen. And the person that you know you can talk to, no matter what it's about (or who!) and know that I will just LISTEN (and give advice if you need it.)
I love all of you guys, and you are the best friends (and family) that a person could ask for and want. I realize how lucky I am to have each of you in my life and each of you make ME a better person. (And Mom, if you had a myspace page, you would definately be in my top 5- I love you too. But you already know that!!) :-)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
My Myspace top 5 friends... and why!
Posted by *Kel* at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Goin' to the River....
So, we bought an RV (we're going to sale it and make some extra money) so we decided to go camping this weekend. We're leaving tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and staying until Sunday. We're going to Fentress, TX, which is just about 20 minutes or so from San Marcos. And it's RIGHT on the river! The boys are super excited to go and stay in the "trailer" as they call it, and I'm just excited to get a little break from the ordinary day stuff. NOT looking forward to staying in a small RV with 4 kids though....
We also just got back from my grandparents house again. My mom wanted to go because my Great Aunt was going to be there and she asked if we wanted to go too. So we made the short trip there on Tuesday afternoon (after soccer camp for Jace and Kelton, which they are both LOVING!) and came home late Wednesday afternoon. Of course it rained the whole drive there and most of the drive home, but we were really lucky in that it was REALLY nice weather while we were at the lake. The boys just stayed in the water the WHOLE time (and got a little sunburned too, of course!) Blayden got nice and spoiled as well, so that's always fun to come back home to. :-)
Man... why, oh why, did we get the boys Game Boys?!?! They've been fighting over this ONE game (Spider Man, if you must know) since we got it yesterday (we stopped at a Target on the way home and my mom got Kelton a Game Boy and a game (for an early birtdhay present) because both Daylon and Jace already had one...) Ugg. I would take them all away completely but MAN, it's nice and quite when they are all occupied with them! LOL
Okay, off to diffuse the situation with Jace. He is CRYING "I want Spider Man" over and over again. About to make me go loony. (Look Lisa, I can spell it!!!)
Posted by *Kel* at 5:28 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
5 kids is WAY too many!
So, I was the nice sister and I watched my nephew today and last night for my sister so that she didn't have to pay a whole weeks worth of day care (he's been with his dad until yesterday and she has to work, but if she took him just one day to day care she would still have had to pay for the whole weeks worth.) Anyway, I've had five kids, seven years and younger all day today. And I HAD to run some errands this morning (I have too much stuff to do tomorrow and it had to be done by then), so I took all of the boys with me. I left them in the car (with it locked and going with them watching a movie and the car parked RIGHT in front of the store) while I went into the health food store to get a few things, then they went with me into Target. They were horrible. Well, okay, not all of them. Blayden was awesome, Jace was really good, Daylon was okay, Kelton was okay but would run off after Caden, and then Caden was horrible! He kept taking off and running around and touching stuff, etc. I even threatened to take him home if he didn't behave and that still didn't work. It was exhausting. (But I feel better for being able to complain!!) :-)
On a good note, Blayden is the most awesome baby in the world. He is SOOOO good, it's scary! I can't help but wonder if he'll always be this good-natured, or if he's going to grow up and be a terror! For instance; I was laying in bed with him today (all of the boys were in different rooms laying down, but I think Kelton was the only one that actually took a nap) while he was sleeping. All of a sudden he woke up and looked at me and just grinned BIG time! He does this all of the time- it doesn't matter who he sees or if he's tired or anything, he smiles almost constantly. I absolutely love it! And even right now... he's been in his Jump-a-roo for over 30 minutes now watching Baby Einstein and jumping while I got the house picked up, presents wrapped for a friends kids birthday party tomorrow, the floor vacumned, some clothes folded, and write on here. He's so good!!!
Oh! I got my hair highlighted yesterday. It was starting to grow out and needed a trim so my mom VERY nicely watched the boys for me (thanks, mom!!) :-) I love being pampered like that and my hair looks really good. I'm not too sure about the hair cut she did, but I love the color. I'm going to fix it the way I normally do tonight for my cousin's rehearsal dinner and I'll try to get some pictures of it to share. Matt likes it though, so I guess that's good! ;-)
Alright. Well, I officially feel bad for leaving Blayden in the jumper that long so I guess I'd better go get him! That, and I'm SURE he has a poopy diaper- it never fails that when he jumps in that thing he poops and it gets pushed up all on his back. Fun!
Posted by *Kel* at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Yeah!! Finally!!!
Blayden just rolled over from his back to his tummy!!! I was sitting here, talking on IM (hehe) and had put him down. And there he goes!! He's been trying to do it for awhile...
My baby is growing up (will be 6 months in a week or so now!!!)
Posted by *Kel* at 12:08 PM 1 comments
Who knew?!?!
So, I've gotten both Jace and Kelton to vacumn this morning for me. Who knew that they would think that is the COOLEST thing in the world?!?! (Granted, I'm going to have to go back over everything to actually clean the carpets, but still!) Jace had a blast cleaning out everything from under the couch cushions (and I swear, I just did them not too long ago, and the kids are NOT supposed to eat in the living room so I don't know how they got so bad.)
Anyway! I'm just saying that it's really nice to have the boys help do things around the house. Yes, they have their own chores, and Matt thinks I'm nueortic for making them do them EVERY DAY, but still! I'm not their maid and I'm a little anal (for lack of a better word!) about having a pretty clean house. I can't stand junk everywhere and things not being organized.
Okay! That got to be longer than I thought it would be!
I just got to meet Matt's new sales person for his company, Marcos! He seemed really nice and was very clean, a gentleman, etc. I hope that goes well for Matt (Marcos just started working for Matt yesterday, so we'll see how it all goes. So far so good though, I think.)
Daylon had baseball camp at A&M yesterday and I think it went awesome! It was the hitting camp, so he got to hit for about 3 hours straight- some of it was on Olsen field too! I just think that's so cool that my seven year old got to hit baseballs where the Aggies play (he thought it was really neat too!) And he did GREAT too!! They pitched to him and he hit most of what they threw to him. Good job, Daylon!!! I just know that if he actually applies himself to something, he would be great at it. He gets tired of doing things and bored because it's nothing new (and he doesn't like to be hot and sweaty either!) and then he's just DONE. Maybe that'll change as he gets older though. I just know that it's frustrating for Matt because when he was Daylon's age, all he wanted to do was play sports. He was constantly outside doing something, so it's hard to see Daylon play video games instead of playing outside.
My cousin, Jason, is getting married this weekend (Saturday night) so that's going to be nice. I'm excited to see my family and get all dressed up for something. Of course, our neighbors called us last night to see if we wanted to go to Messina Hof for the mystery dinner thing SATURDAY night and we had to tell them no. We haven't been able to do much with them this summer, so that really sucked not being able to go out with them. That, and I LOVE Messina Hof!! ;-)
Okay, I think I've just about done and said everything to say today. I'm stuck here at the house waiting for the Direct TV guy to show up with our new HD satelite and reciever for our room (we got 2 new TV's about a week ago and want the HD for them- I'm excited!!) and then the lady that took our family pictures 2 weeks ago is going to bring by the CD's so we can look at the proofs. I'm SOOOO anxious to see what they look like too!! She said she had some great pictures of my boys and my family, so I'm excited to see them. This will be the first professional pictures of our family of six!!
Posted by *Kel* at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
Sick baby :-(
Daylon and Jace are done with camp now, so I'll have them the rest of the summer, for the most part. Daylon has a baseball camp at A&M next week for 2 days, and then Jace and Kelton have a soccer camp in a few weeks for a week (that should be interesting- Kelton's first time at a team sport type thing!!!) I may end up signing Jace and Daylon back up for Camp Miramont again sometime this summer- they have 2 more sessions and the boys both really liked it, and I liked having the break from them for a little while!! :-)
Posted by *Kel* at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Camp, Dingy Jace, & Diets
Well, Jace and Daylon have had Camp Miramont these last few days (Tuesday until today, and their last day is tomorrow) at Miramont Country Club in Bryan. (My mom has a membership and she and her husband sponsered the boys.) They play basketball, tennis, and golf, feed them lunch, and then the kids get to go swimming until the day is done. The boys LOVE it and have had a blast so far (this is Daylon's second session there this summer.)
Today, when I went to pick them up, my mom was there swimming with Kelton (she took him for the day so I could run errands with Blayden by myself and spend time with him since he's too young to go to camp.) So she was getting Kelton dressed, and Jace had just come out of the bathroom all dressed and ready to go. He was walking kind of sideways, dragging his wet bathing suit behind him watching the wet streak on the ground. I was sitting on the other side of the kiddy pool, holding Blayden in the shade (it was HOT today!!) I saw where Jace was heading, but didn't honestly think he wouldn't stop in time. Nope! As soon as I said "Jace, watch out" he turns around a little bit, but keeps walking, and walked RIGHT INTO the kiddy pool!!! Now, this kid was completely dressed in tennis shoes, socks, shorts, and a T-shirt. It was all soaked!!! He stands up with this look on his face and said "I didn't see that there!" Ding dong!!! (He's been to this pool about 5 times in the last week and I assure you, the kiddy pool has NOT moved!!!) I just shook my head and laughed. He's so dingy but he really keeps me laughing and entertained- I love him to death!!!
Other than that, my day was just busy running errands. I'm going to do a "detox diet" type thing as soon as my supplement stuff comes in. It's a liquid diet that is supposed to clean you out good, and help you loose weight (21 pounds in 21 days is what it's called). I'm really doing this to help me get to feeling better- it seems so awesome and I think it'll work great. It's just a cool benefit that it helps you loose weight in the process. I've been trying to find a juicer though, since I'll need it for this diet. I just hate to spend $100 on a juicer that I don't know how much I'll use after this thing.
The bad thing about this diet is that I can't do it while nursing. (It's supposed to get rid of all of the toxins in your body and one of the ways the toxins get out, is through breastmilk. I'm not really sure how accurate this claim is or anything, but I don't want to risk making Blayden sick.) However, he hasn't been nursing much at ALL lately. Since Matt and I went to Las Vegas in May and my mom kept Blayden, even though I pumped while I was gone, I wasn't able to pump as much and my supply went down and never came back up. He gets really frustrated almost every time I try to nurse him- he wants his food faster than I can give it to him now! So, we're already down to 2 nursings a day... I'm going to try to keep those though, and just pump and trash it while I'm doing this diet, then keep nursing him afterwards. I'm just NOT ready to give up nursing my baby yet!!! (Especially knowing that he's my LAST baby!!)
Okay... off to do more laundry. I'm going to take the boys swimming a little later at the pool on Rock Prairie with a friend of mine, just to get them out of the house some. Fun, fun, fun!! :-)
Posted by *Kel* at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm so bored!!
I'm sure there are things that I could be doing (and SHOULD be doing) but supper is cooking, the boys are keeping themselves entertained, Blayden is swinging in his swing, Matt's at work, and I'm sitting here drinking on a Mojito that I made (YUMMY!!) And if it wasn't such a hassle to get the boys dressed and out the door, I might actually go somewhere. (But then that would probably lead to me spending money that I shouldn't spend, SOOO.... here I am!) I am SO ready for a Mom's Night Out....!!!!
Posted by *Kel* at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Pictures of the 4th
And here they are....
Blayden LOVED this swing! And apparently it was really relaxing as well...
Me and Jace
Blayden, just a swingin' away...
Posted by *Kel* at 11:10 AM 0 comments
On top of things, let me tell you!!

Posted by *Kel* at 10:54 AM 0 comments