Thursday, July 26, 2007

Goin' to the River....

So, we bought an RV (we're going to sale it and make some extra money) so we decided to go camping this weekend. We're leaving tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and staying until Sunday. We're going to Fentress, TX, which is just about 20 minutes or so from San Marcos. And it's RIGHT on the river! The boys are super excited to go and stay in the "trailer" as they call it, and I'm just excited to get a little break from the ordinary day stuff. NOT looking forward to staying in a small RV with 4 kids though....

We also just got back from my grandparents house again. My mom wanted to go because my Great Aunt was going to be there and she asked if we wanted to go too. So we made the short trip there on Tuesday afternoon (after soccer camp for Jace and Kelton, which they are both LOVING!) and came home late Wednesday afternoon. Of course it rained the whole drive there and most of the drive home, but we were really lucky in that it was REALLY nice weather while we were at the lake. The boys just stayed in the water the WHOLE time (and got a little sunburned too, of course!) Blayden got nice and spoiled as well, so that's always fun to come back home to. :-)

Man... why, oh why, did we get the boys Game Boys?!?! They've been fighting over this ONE game (Spider Man, if you must know) since we got it yesterday (we stopped at a Target on the way home and my mom got Kelton a Game Boy and a game (for an early birtdhay present) because both Daylon and Jace already had one...) Ugg. I would take them all away completely but MAN, it's nice and quite when they are all occupied with them! LOL

Okay, off to diffuse the situation with Jace. He is CRYING "I want Spider Man" over and over again. About to make me go loony. (Look Lisa, I can spell it!!!)


Christine said...

Oh God, the NINTENDO! Katie is ADDICTED to her Nintendo DS, I seriously have to limit her to an hour per day otherwise she'd play it every waking hour. She on like world 6 on Mario 3 (a game I used to play as a kid!) and can totally beat me now! When she started taking it with her to the bathroom, I knew it was time to set down some rules. LOL!