Friday, July 20, 2007

5 kids is WAY too many!

So, I was the nice sister and I watched my nephew today and last night for my sister so that she didn't have to pay a whole weeks worth of day care (he's been with his dad until yesterday and she has to work, but if she took him just one day to day care she would still have had to pay for the whole weeks worth.) Anyway, I've had five kids, seven years and younger all day today. And I HAD to run some errands this morning (I have too much stuff to do tomorrow and it had to be done by then), so I took all of the boys with me. I left them in the car (with it locked and going with them watching a movie and the car parked RIGHT in front of the store) while I went into the health food store to get a few things, then they went with me into Target. They were horrible. Well, okay, not all of them. Blayden was awesome, Jace was really good, Daylon was okay, Kelton was okay but would run off after Caden, and then Caden was horrible! He kept taking off and running around and touching stuff, etc. I even threatened to take him home if he didn't behave and that still didn't work. It was exhausting. (But I feel better for being able to complain!!) :-)

On a good note, Blayden is the most awesome baby in the world. He is SOOOO good, it's scary! I can't help but wonder if he'll always be this good-natured, or if he's going to grow up and be a terror! For instance; I was laying in bed with him today (all of the boys were in different rooms laying down, but I think Kelton was the only one that actually took a nap) while he was sleeping. All of a sudden he woke up and looked at me and just grinned BIG time! He does this all of the time- it doesn't matter who he sees or if he's tired or anything, he smiles almost constantly. I absolutely love it! And even right now... he's been in his Jump-a-roo for over 30 minutes now watching Baby Einstein and jumping while I got the house picked up, presents wrapped for a friends kids birthday party tomorrow, the floor vacumned, some clothes folded, and write on here. He's so good!!!

Oh! I got my hair highlighted yesterday. It was starting to grow out and needed a trim so my mom VERY nicely watched the boys for me (thanks, mom!!) :-) I love being pampered like that and my hair looks really good. I'm not too sure about the hair cut she did, but I love the color. I'm going to fix it the way I normally do tonight for my cousin's rehearsal dinner and I'll try to get some pictures of it to share. Matt likes it though, so I guess that's good! ;-)

Alright. Well, I officially feel bad for leaving Blayden in the jumper that long so I guess I'd better go get him! That, and I'm SURE he has a poopy diaper- it never fails that when he jumps in that thing he poops and it gets pushed up all on his back. Fun!


Christine said...

Haha, sounds like fun! 5 kids all 7 and under is pretty nuts, I can't believe you took them all out! That is awesome that Blayden is such an easy baby, I hope my 4th turns out that way! So you need to post some pics of your new hair color!