Friday, August 24, 2007

Are they all yours?!

So, my life seems a LOT easier right now (even after the day that I had with the boys yesterday- we spent THREE hours getting my car detailed. Not fun anyway, but during nap time and with all four boys?! No thanks!!) I just read a post on Ebay from a lady selling some Pokemon cards ( and she made my day!! Then I went to her blog (see to the right of your screen, I bookmarked it for my future enjoyment!!) and she made my day even better.

This woman has SIX kids (ranging in age from 1 to 12) and is only 29 years old. See Mom, I'm not nuts for having FOUR kids!! My life could be a lot more.... um... interesting!! I just feel for this woman. I HATE going to the store with the boys, and I get asked constantly "Are they all yours?" Or "You have four boys?" (To which I normally look at the boys, count them again in my head to make sure they are all still there, and say "yes, there are four of them!") Or "Are you going to try for that girl?" ("No, we're done!") Or "Are you done, or going to have more?" (See last answer.) And my favorite one "How old are you?!" LOL!!

I think mom's of more than the normal two kids (or even three is pretty accepted) have to have a certain outlook on life. Four, five, six, or even sixteen kids, are a LOT more work than two kids. (Our grocery bill is crazy too!) And you have to be willing to have someone ask you "are they all yours?" and just learn to smile and say (as proudly as possible!) "YES!"


Christine said...

Haha, have you read my friend Trina's blog? The Roldan Family? They have EIGHT kids and she homeschools all of them!! She is totally my inspiration and gives me confidence to go for the big family I want. I still can't believe I'm pregnant w/ #4, and I can't wait for more! LOL!