Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why I hate summer....

1. It's HOT. I hate spending the majority of my day miserable and dripping sweat. So gross.

2. The boys are all home and they are "BORED." I wish they all could read, all enjoyed reading, and could/would spend their days in their rooms reading. That's MY ideal summer break, why can't it be theirs?!?!

3. Matt works CONSTANTLY in the summer. Enough said.

4. I like soups and stews. You can't enjoy soups or stews in 100 degree weather. I've tried.

5. The light starts earlier in the morning and lasts longer in the evenings. So, my children assume that their days should start earlier too. And then they don't want to go to bed at "bed time" because it's not all of the way dark yet. And I need a break from my children by that time of the day. Or I go crazy.

6. It's really, really, really, REALLY hot.

7. The boys want to go swimming every day. I don't want to go swimming every day. Swimming while watching 4 boys, messing with at least one of them at all times, holding a baby b/c he can't swim by himself and hates the life jacket, and stressing over one of them drowning, is just not all that fun for me. I'm happy with swimming once a week or so. By that time my stress level has gone down from swimming the week before.

8. The structure of school and activities is gone. I LIKE having the boys in school so they know what comes next, at what time, etc. Yes, we have a little structure here (lunch at noon, then nap time, then usually running errands, then supper, then baths or showers, and then bed time) but it's different. I need school. For my sanity.

9. I have too much time on MY hands. Even with the boys in camps, etc, I find myself being too lazy (minus the boot camp every morning at 5:30!!) ;-) I spend too much time on the couch, reading (thank goodness Blayden is still taking 2 naps a day!!) :-)

10. It's hot. And humid. And hot.


Christine said...

LOL! Oh Texas summer, how I don't miss you, not even a little bit, not even at all... It could be a poem! And just think, it's not even August yet!

We were there in June and I thought I was going to die, it was awful, we are so not conditioned to the heat anymore. Kobe was beet red anytime we were outside for more than 5 minutes. The summers are the main reason I have major reservations about moving back to Texas. The summers here are just so incredible, 75 everyday with a light breeze and sunny... If only it could be like that year round, we'd stay here forever. I don't know where we will move next but San Diego is looking better and better... :) 75 degrees year round and an ocean breeze sounds might good!